Bayen Receives IEEE Awards

September 6, 2024

Alexandre BayenFollowing the MegaVandertest large scale mixed-autonomy traffic experiment run by the CIRCLES consortium in 2022 led by ITS affiliate Alex Bayen — Associate Provost for the Berkeley Space Center at the University of California, Berkeley and CITRIS Director, the project was awarded the 2024 IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS), which will be presented to Alex at the IEEE ITSC conference in Edmonton, Canada, later this Fall. This work, which started as FLOW is deeply anchored at UC Berkeley, in particular in the Berkeley Deep Drive program, within BAIR and the Institute for Transportation Studies (ITS)

At the same venue, Alex will also be recognized with the 2024 IEEE ITS Outstanding Research Award with citation "for his work on mobile traffic sensing through smartphones and traffic control through vehicle automation.” 
Later this month, Alex will also receive the IEEE Control Systems Society Transition to Practice Award, to be presented to him at the IEEE CCTA conference in Newcastle, UK.