For over 30 years, ITS Berkeley and the Transportation Student Organizing Committee have hosted weekly Friday Seminars featuring distinguished leaders, academics and alumni in Transportation
Thank you to Robert Leachman, UC Berkeley Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Professor Emeritus, who presented Conception and Development of the Alameda Corridor at the Institute of Transportation Studies Transportation Seminar on Friday, Feb. 7, 2025.
Abstract: The Alameda Corridor is a 25-mile multi-tracked, grade-separated rail line stretching from the Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles to connections with main-line railroads near downtown Los Angeles. The speaker’s 1984 consulting report for the Southern California Association of Governments proposed the Corridor...
Thank you to Steve Buckley (MST/MCP ’01), Vice-President of Planning & Advisory Services at Kimley-Horn, who presented “Urban Policies to Shape a World with Automated Vehicles” at a special TRANSOC hosted seminar on Jan. 31, 2025.
Abstract: Steve is passionate about cities, transportation and planning and how emerging technologies can be used to support people-focused planning goals. For the past decade he has been challenging the transportation industry to proactively shape how automated vehicles fit into our cities and our existing...
Thank you to Gioele Zardini, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rudge (1948) and Nancy Allen Assistant Professor, who presented Compositional Design of Complex Systems: From Autonomy to Future Mobility at the Institute of Transportation Studies Transportation Seminar on Friday, January 24, 2025.
Abstract: When designing complex systems, we need to consider multiple trade-offs at various abstraction levels and scales, and choices of single components need to be studied jointly. For instance, the design of future...
Thank you to Kate Gordon, CEO, California Forward, who presented Transportation Planning in a Time of Transition at the Transportation Seminar Nov. 1, 2024.
Abstract: The world is in an unprecedented time of transition. New and emerging geopolitical, economic and climate forces are converging at the state-local level to affect every aspect of decision-making. Gordon’s talk will focus on how all these forces are driving California’s leadership on the move away from fossil fuel extraction and toward the electrification of the transportation...
Thank you to Linda Hill, Distinguished Professor, Director of Transportation Research and Education for Driving Safety, and Associate Dean for Community Relations at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health, UC San Diego, who presented The Use of Technology To Improve Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 25, 2024.
Abstract: Commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) are a crucial part of the U.S. economy, moving 72 percent of freight by weight. Though only comprising 5 percent of vehicles on the road, CMVs...
Thank you to Kai Wang, Associate Professor in Smart Transportation, School of Vehicle and Mobility, Tsinghua University, who presented Vertiport Planning for Urban Air Mobility at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 24, 2024.
Abstract: Electric vertical-takeoff-and-landing (eVTOL) vehicles enable Urban Aerial Mobility (UAM). This paper optimizes the number, locations and capacities of vertiports in UAM systems, while capturing interdependencies between strategic vertiport deployment, tactical operations and passenger demand. The model includes a “tractable part...
Thank you to Lina Yang, Head of Intelligent Systems, Supernal, who presented Emerging Aviation Technology: Autonomy at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 18, 2024.
Abstract: Urban air mobility (UAM) enables highly automated, cooperative passenger- or cargo-carrying air transportation services in and around urban areas. In order to increase the volume of UAM operation, the key is to understand and enable the “highly automation.” The highly automation does not just apply to vehicle automation but to whole ecosystems, including air traffic services (...
Thank you to Corey Harper, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, who presented Advancing Towards a Smarter and More Sustainable Transportation System at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 11, 2024.
Abstract: Transitioning to more livable and sustainable smart cities requires improving today’s transportation system to be smarter, safer, and more resilient. In this talk, Dr. Harper will discuss how emerging trends in transportation could change the way we envision our cities and communities and the importance...
Thank you to Jesus Barajas, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, who presented Perspectives on Transportation Equity at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 4, 2024.
Abstract: Dying in a traffic crash was the fourth leading cause of death in 2019. Pedestrian and bicycle fatalities have been rapidly increasing over the last dozen years, with particularly sharp increases in deaths since the onset of Covid-19. Federal and state level safety policies have adopted a Safe System approach to address the safety...
Thank you to Stanislav Kraft, Associate Professor of Human Geography, University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic, who presented Using GIS for Understanding the Spatial Organization and Safety of Motorcycle Transportation at the Transportation Seminar Sep. 27, 2024.
Abstract: Motorcycle users are among the most vulnerable road users. Academic research in mobility studies has long focused on the issues of automobilities, aeromobilities, etc. Many researchers agree that the research on moto-mobilites has been ignored for a very long time. This talk will focus...
Thank you to Daniel Sperling, Distinguished Blue Planet Prize Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science and Policy, and Founding Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis, who presented Transforming Transportation: Bringing Science to Policy at the Transportation Seminar on Sep. 20, 2024.
Abstract: Transportation is on the path to decarbonization, led by the electrification of cars, trucks and buses. However, numerous questions remain. How much reduction in vehicle use is desired and possible? How might...
Welcome to the Fall 2024 ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar Series.
The Transportation Seminar is organized by the Institute of Transportation Studies and the Transportation Students Organizing Committee (TRANSOC)
ITS Berkeley sponsored seminars will be in 410 McLaughlin Hall at 3 pm. Join us for Cookie Hour at 2:30 in the Transportation Library, 412 McLaughlin Hall.
ITS Berkeley and CITRIS and the Banatao Institute sponsored Charting New Paths Speaker Series will be held in the Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall at 3 pm. Charting New Paths illuminates...
Thank you to Andreas A. Malikopoulos, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, who presented Separation of Learning and Control in Emerging Mobility Systems at the Transportation Seminar on May 3, 2024.
Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the challenges of supervised learning and model-based control approaches in transportation-related applications. Then, I will present a theoretical framework founded at the intersection of control theory and learning that circumvents these challenges in deriving optimal strategies. In this...
Thank you to Alex Pan, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Meiqing Li, Department of City and Regional Planning, and Fangyu Wu, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, who presented their doctoral research at the Transportation Seminar on Apr. 26, 2024.
Alex Pan: Shared dreams, unshared burdens: Exploring complexities of housing and transportation for low- and moderate-income residents of Contra Costa County
Abstract: Suburban poverty in the United States has been growing since the end of the twentieth century, yet understanding of...
Thank you to Anne Brown, Assistant Professor, Planning, Public Policy, and Management, University of Oregon, who presented Planning for Equitable Micromobility at the Transportation Seminar on Apr. 19, 2024.
Abstract: Shared micromobility programs, including shared e-scooters and bikeshare, have spread rapidly across the US. Cities are grappling with how these modes may fill gaps in the existing transportation system and how to better reach marginalized and underserved communities. This presentation considers the different dimensions required...
Thank you to Ken Alex, director of Project Climate at the University of California at Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy and Environment, who presented Land Use and Transportation at the Transportation Seminar on Mar. 15, 2024.
Abstract: SB 743 became law in 2013, enabling a significant change in how the transportation impacts of development projects are evaluated under the California Environmental Quality Act. Environmental review that once focused on “level of service” impacts, must now determine how development projects impact vehicle miles...
Thank you to Adonia Lugo, Equity Research Manager at University of California Institute of Transportation Studies/ITS UCLA, who presented Envisioning Mobility Justice Within California’s Transportation Systems at the Berkeley Transportation Seminar on Mar. 8, 2024.
Abstract: Can we address historic inequities in our transportation systems and support shifting to sustainable transportation behavior at the same time? Lugo will share insights from her work as an anthropologist engaged with the grassroots mobility justice movement and where she...
Thank you to Beat Hintermann, Professor of Business and Economics at University of Basel, who presented Pigovian Transport Pricing in Practice at the Transportation Seminar Mar. 1, 2024. Thank you to our co-sponsor, the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
Abstract: Pigovian transport pricing is implemented in a large-scale field experiment in urban agglomerations of Switzerland. The pricing varies across time, space and mode of transport. One third of the participants is given a financial incentive to reduce their external costs of transport...
Thank you to Chris Hendrickson, Hamerschlag University Professor of Engineering Emeritus, Carnegie Mellon University, who presented Accelerating Deep Decarbonization of US Transportation Modes at the Transportation Seminar Feb. 23, 2024.
Abstract: Climate change is already causing large damages from sea level rise, drought, and extreme weather. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (often called ‘decarbonization’ reflecting the role of carbon dioxide in greenhouse warming) is imperative if these costs are to be mitigated or reduced. This seminar will draw on...
Thank you to Nick Tsivanidis, Assistant Professor, Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, who presented Public and Private Transit: Evidence from Lagos at the Transportation Seminar Feb. 16, 2024.
Abstract: Many of the world’s fastest growing cities rely on private transit, most commonly informal minibuses. As these cities become wealthier they have been investing in centralized public transit lines. If private incumbents respond to government entry by changing frequencies or prices, these investments may lead to indirect...
Thank you to Hamsa Balakrishnan, William E. Leonhard (1940) Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who presented The Promise and the Challenge of Advanced Air Mobility at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar Friday Feb. 9, 2024.
Abstract: Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)—characterized by electric or hybrid aircraft, and highly-automated operations—has the potential to dramatically transform the way in which we transport people and goods, as well as our ability to sense our world from the sky. The...
Thank you to Peter Norton, Associate Professor, Department of Engineering and Society, University of Virginia, who presented Rediscovering Normal: History as the Key to the Transport Transition at the Transportation Seminar Feb. 2, 2024.
Abstract: Transportation experts are the heirs of a forgotten revolution in the governing axioms of their discipline. Their predecessors of a century ago agreed that automobiles can play only a limited part in passenger transportation. Following an ideological revolution that its proponents themselves called a “...
Thank you to Ding Zhao, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, who presented Trustworthy Autonomous Vehicles at a Large Scale, Safety, Generalization, and Social Good at the Transportation Seminar Jan. 19, 2024.
Abstract: As AI becomes more integrated into physical autonomy, it presents a dual spectrum of opportunities and risks. In this talk, I will introduce our efforts in deploying trustworthy intelligent autonomy at a large scale for vital civil usage such as self-driving cars, assistant robots, and first responders to...
Thank you to Amy M. Kim, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia, who presented Long-distance airport passenger markets and their implications for aviation emissions at the Transportation Seminar Dec. 1, 2023.
Abstract: Air services and resulting emissions at airports of different sizes and functions are not expected to be uniformly impacted by price-based environmental policies such as carbon offset charges, carbon taxes and carbon credits. To understand variabilities, we empirically map the relationship between airfare (a...
Thank you to Laura Tolkoff, Transportation Policy Director, San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR), who presented Connecting Research and Policymaking at the Transportation Seminar Nov. 17, 2023.
Abstract: The transportation field is rapidly changing, and policy often struggles to keep pace. In this talk I will academic research and expertise inform policy making, some of the transportation policy questions that policymakers and practitioners are grappling with, as well as the role that SPUR plays in building a...
Thank you to Juan Alonso, Professor and Director of the Aerospace Design Laboratory at Stanford University, who presented So You Want to Be an eVTOL Designer? Fundamentals of Vertical Take-off and Landing Aircraft and Current Challenges at the Transportation Seminar Nov. 3, 2023.
Abstract: Recent concerns over the sustainability, efficiency, and safety of our transportation systems have led to the idea of Urban Air Mobility (UAM): connected networks of point-to-point air transportation services that are served by aircraft that can take-off and...
Thank you to Joe Castiglione,Deputy Director for Technology, Data & Analysis San Francisco County Transportation Authority, who presented Travel Forecasting in San Francisco in a Time of Disruption: Activity-Based Model Data, Applications, Developments, and Challenges at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 27, 2023.
Abstract: The past decade has witnessed tremendous disruptions in travel patterns, from the emergence of new transportation-related services such as Uber and Lyft, to the deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs), to...
Thank you to Dr. Vishwanath Bulusu, Aerospace Research Scientist, Crown Consulting Inc., NASA Ames, who presented How Open are Our Skies? Re-exploring the Airspace for Revitalizing Air Mobility at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 20, 2023.
Abstract: Even though 60% of America lives within 10 miles of a regional airport, 20th century aviation accounts for less than 0.2% regional trips under 300 miles. By leveraging these underutilized airports, urban and regional air mobility can connect lower-income counties to jobs and services concentrated in higher-income...
Thank you to Julia Griswold, Safe Transportation Research and Education Center Acting Co-Director, Safety Research Lead, who presented Toward Safe Speeds: A Multipronged Approach to Addressing Deadly Speed-related Crashes in California at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 19, 2023.
Abstract: Over the past 5 years, more than 30% of fatal and serious injury crashes in California have involved a speeding vehicle. Excess speed increases the risk of roadway crashes by increasing the stopping distance and the risk of greater injury...
Thank you to Xinyu (Jason) Cao, Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, who presented Using Machine Learning to Address Nonlinear Relationships Between Land Use and Travel Behavior at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 13, 2023.
Abstract: Empirical studies often assume a (generalized) linear relationship between land use and travel behavior. However, scholars need to diagnose this assumption before interpreting modeling results. If the true relationship between them is nonlinear, the linear assumption...
Thank you to Dr. Hamid Mostofi, Professor of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and Senior Researcher, Technical University of Berlin who presented Modeling Subjective Perceptions and Attitudes in Transportation Mode Choices: A Case Study of Urban Air Mobility at the Transportation Seminar Oct. 6, 2023.
Abstract: Subjective perceptions and attitudes play significant roles in citizens’ choices of transportation modes. In some cases, these factors exert more substantial influences on mobility behaviors than...
Thank you to Andrea Broaddus, Transportation Policy Researcher, who presented What Risk Factors Contribute to E-scooter Crashes? Findings from a naturalistic riding study on a University campus at the Transportation Seminar Sept. 29, 2023.
Abstract: Although shared fleets of e-scooters have grown in popularity over the past decade, we are just beginning to understand risk factors contributing to crash and injury rates among riders. In this naturalistic riding study, a fleet of 200 e-scooters on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, VA was instrumented with...
Thank you to Emily Moylan, Senior Lecturer in Transport at the School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, who presented Improving Cardiac Arrest Treatment Through Optimized Patient Logistics at the Transportation Seminar Sept. 22, 2023.
Abstract: A common problem in emergency healthcare logistics is maximizing coverage of a scarce resource through optimal facility location.Optimization of the locations of facilities can improve both the quality and extent of the coverage and can...
Thank you to Yotam Avrahami, Intelligent and Green transportation lead commercial and PPP programs, Deloitte, who presented Decarbonization of the Aviation Industry – from a complete trip to Supply and Demand of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) at the Transportation Seminar Sept. 8, 2023.
The industry, through the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), has committed to a 50% reduction in CO₂ emissions by 20504 The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) formally...
Margaret McCall, Manager of Data Analytics, NextEra Mobility presented Fleet Electrification–Insights and Approaches on Friday, March 24, 2023 at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar.
Abstract: Public and private fleets across the country are exploring whether to make the transition to electric vehicles. Many technical and economic factors play into the decision to convert to EVs – often, operational savings in the form of lower fuel costs are a key motivator. Margaret will discuss the primary considerations in fleet electrification decision-making, with a deep dive into energy...
UC Berkeley Postdoctoral Researcher Maryia Bakhtsiyarava presented Greenspace and Depression in Mexico: Different greenspace metrics and different spatial scales on Friday, March 17, 2023 at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar.
Abstract:Mental health disorders have been among the top ten causes of the global burden of disease. The number of people at risk for mental disorders, including depression, is projected to increase in the face of the current demographic, socioeconomic and environmental trends: a growing population of young people in low-...
Gillian Gillett, Program Manager, California Integrated Mobility, California Department of Transportation, and Hunter Owens, Research Data Manager, California Integrated Mobility, California Department of Transportation, presented Crossing Modes: Bringing Data, Standardization and Performance Metrics to Transit Agencies & Caltrans at the ITS Seminar on March 3, 2023.
Abstract: Caltrans, a legacy state DOT, has spent millions of dollars and years building out a performance metric based approach to roadway performance, mostly frequently categorized by the LOS (...
ITS Davis postdoctoral researcher Prashanth S. Venkataram presented Disability, Transportation, and Accessibility: New Trends and Longstanding Challenges in the US at the ITS Transportation Seminar on Feb. 24, 2023.
Abstract: People with disabilities often encounter problems with transportation that limit overall mobility and quality of...
ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar: If you build it (and share it), they will ride. Behind the scenes of a mighty corporate commute network — February 10, 2023
Eric Feron, Professor of Biological, Electrical, Computer and Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Intelligent Systems, and Control Laboratory (RISClab), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, presented Complex systems engineering theory is a scientific theory at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar on January 27, 2023.
Abstract: Complex systems engineering and associated challenges are becoming increasingly important for the well-being and safety of human society. Motivated by this formidable push towards ever more complex systems of all sizes, spectacular failures,...
Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, associate professor in the department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley presented Subways and Urban Air Quality at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar Jan. 20, 2023 at 3 p.m.
Abstract: We investigate the effect of subway system openings on urban air pollution. On average, particulate concentrations are unchanged by subway openings. For cities with higher initial pollution levels, subway openings reduce particulates by 4 percent in the area surrounding a city center. The effect decays with distance to city center and...
ITS Berkeley will host Transportation Seminars in Spring 2023 on most Fridays at 3 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building (with a few exceptions). Coffee and cookies will be served at 2:30 pm. Please see the schedule below for details.
UC Irvine Postdoctoral Researcher Kévin Garanger, PhD, presented Reconfigurable Aerial Robots: Reconciling performance and versatility October 28, 2022 i.
Abstract: There is no free lunch in vehicle design, since vehicle efficiency and versatility are two characteristics that are almost inherently opposed. The design of aerial vehicles in particular is especially challenging because...
University of California Berkeley Postdoctoral Researcher Abi Lawal, PhD, presented Quantifying the Impacts of Anthropogenic Emissions and Specific Infrastructures on Urban Air Quality October 21, 2022.
Abstract: My research focuses on air quality and energy modeling (electricity and natural gas consumption) in urban areas as part of a larger sustainability question that encompasses designing healthy...
Resource Systems Group, Inc. Senior Consultant Ted Mansfield, PhD, presented Incorporating Health Into the Transportation Planning Toolkit October 7, 2022.
Abstract: In recent years, tools and methods to estimate the health impacts of transportation systems have evolved substantially. However, the integration of such tools into transportation planning processes has lagged...
Trent Victor, PhD, Director of Safety Research & Best Practices at Waymo, presented Safety Research at Waymo at the ITS Transportation Seminar on Friday, Sept. 23, 2022.
Abstract:This talk will focus on providing insights on key safety research topics needed to support Autonomous Vehicle development and deployment. It...
Maxime Gariel, Chief Technology Officer, Xwing presented The Future of Urban Air Mobility and the Role of Xwing at the ITS Transportation Seminar on Friday, Sept. 16, 2022 at 3 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Abstract:Air travel is mired in an antiquated hub-and-spoke system that has hampered the growth of regional air travel....
Mauro Salazar, Assistant Professor, Control Systems Technology, Eindehoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands presented Optimization Models and Methods for Mobility Systems: From Electric Racing to Sustainable Urban Mobility at the ITS Transportation Seminar on Friday, Sept. 9, 2022.
Bio: Mauro Salazar is an Assistant Professor in the Control Systems Technology...
The Transportation Seminar is organized by the Insttute of Transportation Studies and the Transportation Students Organizing Committee (TRANSOC)
All seminars will be in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 3 pm, with coffee and cookies at 2:30 pm, unless designated with an ITS Library/Zoom, where there will be a Zoom link and the ITS Library will be open for...
Arnold Barnett, Sloan School of Management at MIT, presented Covid-19 Transmission Risk on US Domestic Airlines on April 15, 2022.
Abstract: Working with recent data and research findings, we estimate the probability that an air traveler in economy class would have contracted Covid-19 on a US domestic jet flight over the nine-month period June 2020 to February...
The Do equity metrics for smart transportation measure up? An interdisciplinary discussion Seminar is co-sponsored by the Global Metropolitan Studies and the Center for Smart Infrstructure.
Thomas R. Briggs Professor in Engineering Emeritus
Cornell University
Abstract: The effects of natural hazards with respect to infrastructure resilience are reviewed with examples related to earthquakes, hurricanes, and fire. Infrastructure resilience with respect to...
The Smart Infrastructure Seminar Series explores the ideas around Engineering Resilient, Sustainable and Equitable Infrastructure. Sponsored by the Center for Smart Infrastructure, College of Engineering and the Institute of Transportation Studies.
February 4, 2022 4 pm
Transforming Decisions on the Performance and Health of Transportation...
Transportation network companies (TNCs) and microtransit are changing the way people travel by providing dynamic, on-demand mobility that can supplement public transit and personal vehicle use. Well-designed policy strategies are needed to fully leverage the potential of pooling to lessen congestion, energy use, and emissions by reducing private-vehicle ownership and enabling higher vehicle occupancy....
TheExploration of Social Equity and Justice in CEE Seminar Series promotes theory, science, and dialogue on social equity and racial justice in the built and urban environment. It features speakers of various academic disciplines and activism groups working on different aspects of equity and justice in civil...
Offer Grembek, Co-Director, Berkeley, Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) was featured in the August 6, 2021 Safe Systems
Summer Learning Series – 2021: Broadening the Toolbox for Kinetic Energy Management (an all ITS Berkeley alumni seminar).
As more organizations seek to understand and adopt Safe System principles, there is a need to create space to unpack complex concepts, examine the nuances, and share in a constructive dialogue on what supports are still needed for Safe System approaches to be successful in meeting community safety, health, and...
Katherine Chen, Senior Policy & Program Analyst, Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) was featured in the July 30 Safe Systems Summer Learning Series – 2021.
As more organizations seek to understand and adopt Safe System principles, there is a need to create space to unpack complex concepts, examine the nuances, and share in a constructive dialogue on what supports are still needed for Safe System approaches to be successful in meeting community safety, health, and equity needs. In this series, we bring together panelists with diverse perspectives to...
The UC Institute of Transportation Studies (UC ITS) recently released a state-commissioned study - Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero - that identifies scenarios and related actions for achieving a carbon-neutral transportation system in California by 2045 while also improving equity, health, and the economy. Policies to encourage the production, purchase, and use of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) across light-duty vehicle types and sizes (i.e., cars, SUVs, minivans, and pickup trucks) is the leading strategy for California to achieve carbon neutrality by...
The UC Institute of Transportation Studies (UC ITS) recently released a state-commissioned study - Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero - that identifies scenarios and related actions for achieving a carbon-neutral transportation system in California by 2045 while also improving equity, health, and the economy. A rapid transition to zero-emission vehicles, powered by electricity and hydrogen, is essential to achieving this vision; however, transportation in California, as everywhere in the world, is predominantly reliant on liquid petroleum fuels—gasoline...
California has taken a leadership role in reducing carbon emissions, setting a goal of carbon neutrality by 2045. Decarbonizing transportation, the largest source of emissions in the state, will be key to achieving this goal. This webinar series highlights findings from a recently released state-commissioned study - Driving California’s Transportation Emissions to Zero - that identifies scenarios and related actions for achieving a carbon-neutral transportation system in California, while also improving equity, health, and the economy. A central aspect of the state-...
Speakers/Performers: Günter Emberger, TU Wien; Alexander Keimer, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley; Susan Shaheen, Civil & Environmental Engineering / Transportation Sustainability Research Center, UC Berkeley
DATE: May 13, 2021 EVENT OVERVIEW: Measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, such as stay-at-home orders, have significantly impacted travel across California. The impacts of COVID-19 on travel coupled with shifts in purchasing behavior (e.g., e-commerce) and work policies (e.g., telecommuting) have implications for the environment, public health, safety, air quality, and other considerations. This webinar will share new research from the UC Institute of Transportation on quantifying the influence COVID-19 has had on travel and what this means in terms of meeting the...
Laryssa Parker, Siemens ITS Digital Lab Americas VP presented Trust in Transportation Technology, reflecting The Big Company Perspective April 30, 2021 at the UC Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies Zoom seminar series on "Applications of Data Science and AI to Equity, Race, and Inclusion in Mobility and Transportation" with the College of Engineering and The Center for...
Georgia Tech University Assistant Professor Judy Hoffman presented The Perils of Learning from Biased Data at the Applications of Data Science and AI to Equity, Race, and Inclusion in Mobility and Transportation Seminar on April 23, 2021, co-sponsored by ITS Berkeley, the College of Engineering, and CITRIS. This topic brings a unique and innovative perspective to existing discussions around...
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center Co-Director Offer Grembek spoke with Assemblymember David Chiu, Oakland Vice Mayor Rebecca Kaplan, Council President Pro Tempore Thao and other representatives from Bay Area community organizations on how to make our roads safer at the Roadway Safety Townhall: Equitable Solutions...
World Economic Forum's Automotive and Autonomous Mobility Project Lead Mouchka Heller talked about Designing the Inclusivity Quotient: Making core services and economic opportunities more accessible to underserved populations through transportation technologies and policies during the Applications of Data Science and AI to Equity, Race, and Inclusion in Mobility and Transportation Seminar...
Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Scott Moura presented at the Oxford Battery Modelling Symposium, which was held as an online format at the last minute due to Covid. The event was a success, and again attracted a sizeable number of attendees and some great speakers over two days. He presented: Unleashing the Full Potential of Batteries: Modelling, Learning and Control
EVENT OVERVIEW: This webinar is the second in a two-part series exploring the challenges and opportunities facing public transit. UC ITS experts will share key considerations for the recovery of public transit and for achieving the state’s broader vision for more sustainable, equitable, and cost-effective transportation. Topics to be addressed include: better serving the...
EVENT OVERVIEW: This webinar is the first in a two-part series exploring the challenges and opportunities facing public transit. UC ITS experts will review the challenges facing public transit operators leading up to and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, including changes in ridership, deepening fiscal issues, and growing social challenges related to...
The Start-up Perspective of Applications of Data Science and AI to Equity, Race, and Inclusion in Mobility and Transportation
In this two-presenter seminar, Race & Tech Fellow at Stanford University’s Institute of Human-Centered AI Elizabeth M. Adams will discuss Race, Equity, Technology & the City of Minneapolis and Paravision's CEO Doug Aley will...
Presented as part of the UCLA Urban Planning and UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies Perloff Lecture Series. Each year the annual Wachs Lecture draws innovative thinkers to the University of California to address today’s most pressing issues in transportation. Created by students to honor Professor Martin Wachs upon his retirement from the University, the lecture rotates between Berkeley and UCLA, the campuses at which Marty taught.
Columbia Law professor Sarah Seo‘s book “Policing the Open Road” is a thought-provoking look at how the...
Drawing on World Scientific’s new release, Energy Efficiency | Innovations: Driving Prosperity, Slashing Emissions, the ISE convened a panel of pioneers and leaders in mobility, aviation, buildings, and industrial energy efficiency who contributed to the book. The discussion is led by the editor, Henry Kelly, who is an ISE Senior Fellow. Audience Q&A with the panelists will follow....
Applications of Data Science and AI to Equity, Race, and Inclusion in Mobility and Transportation: The Urban Diverse City Perspective March 5, 2021
Abstract: The City of San Jose is implementing equity in all its transportation planning efforts. Come learn how the City has put equity into practice in its Citywide bike plan, emerging mobility plan, Citywide transportation...
COVID-19 has severely impacted the ability of vulnerable populations to access critical services and resources. Vulnerable populations face a number of risks and challenges when traveling during COVID-19 including increased exposure to COVID-19, less frequent public transit service, and unreliable paratransit and non-emergency medical transportation services. This webinar will discuss critical transportation challenges facing vulnerable populations through two research projects from the UC Institute of Transportation Studies, including one project examining healthcare...
Brian Glynn, Director of Business Development at Trōv, and Susan Shaheen Ph.D., Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering & Co-Director, Transportation Sustainability Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley (...
Bill Howe, University of Washington Associate Professor in the Information School, Adjunct Associate Professor in Computer Science & Engineering, and Associate Director and Senior Data Science Fellow at the UW eScience Institute, presented EquiTensors: Learning Fair Integrations of Urban Mobility Data at the Applications of Data Science and AI to Equity, Race, and Inclusion in...
Webinar on the Future of Public Transit and Shared Mobility: A Scenario Planning Study in Response to the COVID-19 Crisis Abstract: In 2020, the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) enveloped the world, leading to a public health crisis that profoundly changed all aspects of society, including transportation. With public transit and shared mobility at a critical juncture, the University of California’s Institute of Transportation Studies (UC ITS) and the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) Executive Committee, with funding support from ClimateWorks, launched a scenario planning...
Critical Transportation Issues in Wildfires Thursday, December 10, 2020 | 12:00-1:00 p.m.
The 2020 wildfire season in the United States has been devastating, particularly in Western states. Together, wildfires in 2020 have burned millions of acres, required hundreds of thousands to evacuate, and destroyed thousands of structures. With the increasing...
Connected Corridors is a collaborative program to research, develop, and test an Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) approach to managing transportation corridors in California. ICM views the corridor as a total system to be managed as an integrated and cohesive whole; it seeks to address the corridor’s overall transportation needs...
UCLA's Distinguished Professor of Urban Planning and Associate Dean, Luskin School of Public Affairs Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris will present Sexual harassment in transit environments: A focus on university students on Friday Dec. 4, 2020 at 12 p.m.
This study presents findings from a survey of university students in 18...
Watch the 2020 UCLA Lake Arrowhead Series – Not ‘Back to Normal’: Mapping a Just Transportation Recovery from COVID-19 featuring key UC Berkeley faculty and researchers.
Presented by the Department of City and Regional Planning, the Center for African Studies, Global Metropolitan Studies, and the Institute of Transportation Studies
Lecture | October 19 | 9:30 AM-11:00 AM _____________________________________________________________ Abstract: Over 25 years ago, Rwanda was almost on the brink of being wiped off the...
This video was recorded August 26, 2020 1:15 pm to 2:00 pm ET
In this webinar, join a discussion about ongoing research and efforts to address evacuations from disasters and emergencies amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. This session will provide summaries of critical transportation, sheltering, logistic, and communication challenges, as well as possible strategies for evacuating large populations from danger. In addition, the session will include several case studies of recent disasters and broader research directions...
Transport planning has faced huge challenges since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. With lockdowns, social distancing measures, and strict hygiene regulations – all commuters and road users had to adjust.
The challenge is of course also affecting the persons in charge of transport planning. So on August 11, PTV hosted the Shaping Mobility Webinar “A re-imagined American City? Urban mobility after COVID-19”. This webinar is now available for...
About this webinarIn light of the COVID-19 pandemic, mass transit ridership and fare revenues have plummeted by more than 90 percent at many agencies across the nation. While relief funds will address some of the short-term needs of these agencies, the long-term health and sustainability of the public transit system remains fragile.
As we begin to emerge from months of shelter in place and think about the future, it is paramount that the public transit system delivers safe riding conditions to the millions that depend on public transportation. But it won’t be...
July 30, 2020 - #Cities4 - The fourth in our new 'Reopening Our Cities' -themed series of asynchronous virtual roundtables (AVR) moderated by NUTC director, Professor Hani S. Mahmassani, features transportation industry professionals working toward the safe and...
University of California Institute of Transportation Studies Resilient and Innovative Mobility Center Director, UC Berkeley Transportation Sustainability Research Center Co-Director, Civil and Environmental Engineering professor Susan Shaheen shares her presentation focusing on the COVID-19 crisis and opportunities, highlighting social equity, public...
Ryan Qi Wang, from Northeastern University, presented Human Mobility and Urban Resilience in America’s Cities on Friday, April 17, 2020 at 4 p.m.
Abstract: Mobility, one of the basic human behaviors, is significantly influenced by environmental shocks and social stresses. In this talk, Wang will present the collaborative work on two interrelated areas: human movement perturbation under the...
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley, Mark Hansen presented the NASA Berkeley Aviation Data Science Seminar: Data Analytics for Flight Trajectories and Trajectory Anomalies April 15, 2020. .Abstract: Trajectory analysis is one of the canonical applications of data science to aviation. In this talk, I will summarize some standard methods and recent...
Christian Claudel, Assistant Professor of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering at UT-Austin, presented Data Assimilation and Optimal Control in theContext of UAV-based Flash Flood Monitoring at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar April 10, 2020.
Abstract: Flash floods are one of the most common natural disasters worldwide, causing thousands of casualties every year. The emergence of Unmanned...
Dr. Banavar Sridhar, Principal Engineer, University Space Research Association (USRA) at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, presented Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Aviation Operations: NASA Case Studies at the NASA Berkeley Aviation Data Science Seminar February 26, 2020.
There is an increasing interest in applying methods based on Machine Learning Techniques (MLT) to...
Global Head of Machine Learning & Science at Amazon Web Services Robert Phillips presented Revenue-Maximizing Dynamic Tolls on Feb. 28, 2020 at the ITS Transportation Seminar in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
In an era of tight government budgets, Private-Public Partnerships -- in which a private company finances all or part of a capital project...
Frédéric Mazzella, Founder & Chairman, BlaBlaCar, a European rideshare platform, presented BlaBlaCar: On the road... With a purpose at the ITS Transportation Seminar Thursday, Feb 27, 2020 from 1-2 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Since its founding in 2006 by Frederic Mazzella, BlaBlaCar has become the world’s leading long-distance...
UC Berkeley/UCLA Center for Law, Energy & the Environment Climate Program Director Ethan Elkind presented Driving the Wrong Way: Transportation Emissions and Climate Change at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar Feb. 21, 2020.
California is making progress reducing greenhouse gas emissions overall, but the state's 2030 climate goals are threatened by rising...
Marta Gonzalezr, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley, presented Urban Computing for Planning Energy Efficient and Healthier Cities at the NASA Berkeley Aviation Data Science Seminar February 12, 2020.
Abstract: My work uses data science to characterize how humans interact with the built and natural environments, seeking to plan for more sustainable and livable cities...
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Naira Hovakimyan presented Aerial Co-robots of the Future: Safety, Intelligence, Certification at the ITS Transportation Seminar Feb. 7.
This presentation discusses the key challenges of the 21st century and puts forward the right perspective for development of aerial co-robots of the future by emphasizing safety...
Vanderbilt University's Abhishek Dubey will present Building Principled Decision Procedures for Urban Transit and Emergency Response Services at the ITS Transportation Seminar Jan. 31, 2020.
Cities worldwide are dealing with a number of stresses whose outcomes will ultimately decide the ability of humanity to maintain a sustainable and resilient future. This is particularly...
Lyft's Kumar Chellapilla twill present Lyft’s Approach to Developing Self-Driving Technology at the ITS Transportation Seminar Jan. 24 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 p.m. See the video.
Lyft’s mission is to improve people’s lives with the world’s best transportation. Self driving vehicles have the potential to deliver unprecedented improvements to...
His Excellency Philippe Étienne Ambassador of France in the US will present Tech for Good: A French vision for the 4th industrial revolution on January 14, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building for a Distinguished ITS Seminar. Hosted by the Institute of Transportation Studies.
Philippe Étienne is the Ambassador of France to the United States. He...
University of Illinois' Katherine Driggs-Campbell presented Trustworthy Autonomy: Behavior Prediction and Validation at 4 p.m. Nov. 22 at the ITS Transportation Seminar in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars, are becoming tangible technologies that will soon impact the human experience. However...
University of Connecticut's Fei Mao presented Learning for Robust Control and Optimization: Efficiency and Safety of Autonomous Transportation Systems at 4 p.m. Nov. 1 at the ITS Transportation Seminar in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Ubiquitous sensing in smart cities enables large-scale multi-source data collected in real-time, poses several challenges and requires a paradigm-shift to...
UC Berkeley's Ruzena Bajcsy will present Modeling Human Distraction in the Car Due to Acoustic Annoyances at 4 p.m. Oct. 25 at the ITS Transportation Seminar in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
In this presentation we shall review the predictability of safe driving with safety guarantees and investigate the effects of the driver state using a control theoretic driver’s model...
Juan Argote (CEE MS '10; PhD '14) gave the CEE Fall Distinguished Lecture on Monday, Oct. 21. As the Transportation Research Lead at Uber Advanced Technologies Group, Dr.. Argote leads a team of data scientists with backgrounds in Transportation Engineering and Econometrics to inform Uber's self-driving vehicle strategies.
His lecture provided an overview of the current...
Juan Argote (CEE MS '10; PhD '14) will give the fall CEE Distinguished Lecture on Monday, Oct. 21. Argote is the Transportation Research Lead within the Uber Advanced Technologies Group.
He will speak on "The Pathway towards the Deployment of Self-Driving Vehicle Technology."
The lecture will take place at 4-5pm (NEW TIME) in Sutardja Dai's Banatao Auditorium with a reception...
UC Berkeley's Rob Leachman presented Strategic Initiatives for Inland Movement of Containerized Imports at San Pedro Bay at 4 p.m. Oct. 18 at the ITS Transportation Seminar in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach (the “SPB Ports”) handle more containers of imported cargo than any other port complex in the United States. In 2015 over three-...
UC Institute of Transportation Studies Webinar: Insights into Why and How Cities are Planning for Autonomous Vehicles
Friday, October 18, 2019 11:00am - 12:00pm PDT
Autonomous vehicles are being widely tested and piloted to carry passengers and freight. When these vehicles will be deployed more broadly and integrated into our current transportation...
Nanyeng Technological University's Justin Dauwels presented Towards Robust Machine Learning for Transportation Systems on Oct. 4, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at the ITS Transportation Seminar.
Abstract: The field of machine learning has progressed rapidly in the recent years, fueled especially by new developments in deep learning. While such...
UC Riverside's Jay Farrell presented Reliably Accurate State Estimation for Connected and Autonomous Highway Vehicles on Sept. 27, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at the ITS Transportation Seminar.
Accurate and reliable awareness of world interactions is a key requirement for effective commercial deployment of autonomous and connected vehicles. Awareness...
Reason Foundation's Robert Poole will present Rethinking America's Highway Institutions on Sept. 13, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at the ITS Transportation Seminar.
Abstract: In this talk, Robert Poole will suggest that the 20th century institutions that govern how we design, construct, maintain, and fund major highways are broken and in need of major revision....
Uber's Feras El Zarwi presented Pricing Data Science for Uber Eats on Sept. 6, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at the ITS Transportation Seminar.
UberEats, the food delivery platform at Uber, is currently a USD $13 billion gross bookings business that is present in hundreds of markets all around the world.At UberEATS, pricing...
Mexico's Undersecretary of Infrastructure Ing. Cedric Iván Escalante Sauri presented Diagnosis and prospects for transport infrastructure in Mexico at the ITS Transportation Seminar May 3 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
This talk will explore the communications and transportation infrastructure of Mexico. Learn about the major infrastructure projects...
Asha Weinstein Agrawal, of San Jose State University, presented Is That Hoverboard Whizzing By Supposed to be on the Sidewalk? Regulating All Types of Personal Transportation Devices to Balance Transportation and Safety Concerns at the ITS Transportation Seminar April 26, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Gabriel Gomes, of UC Berkeley PATH, presented Open Traffic Models: A Platform for Large-scale Hybrid Traffic Simulation at the ITS Seminar April 19, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Dr. Gomes is a research engineer at ITS, and also a lecturer with the Mechanical Engineering department. He came to Berkeley in 1999 as a graduate student in control theory,...
Mark Rosekind, of Zoox, presented Transforming Transportation: The AV Opportunity at the ITS Transportation Seminar on Aprl 12, 2019 in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 p.m.
PresenterIn April 2017, Dr. Rosekind joined the executive team at Zoox as the Chief Safety Innovation Officer. He leads efforts to safely develop, test, and deploy autonomous...
ITS Berkeley, UCCONNECT, TSRC, CITRIS and TRANSOC, hosted a panel on What’s Driving the Research Agenda of the 21st Century?
The panel included moderator Susan Shaheen, TSRC Co-Director and professor, and panelists Neil Pedersen, Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board, alum Therese McMillan, Executive Director of the Metropolitan...
Benedetto Piccoli, of Rutgers University - Camden, presented Lagrangian and Sparse Control for Multi-agents Dynamics and Traffic at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar April 5 at 4 p.m. in Banatao Auditorium, 310 Sutardja Dai Hall.
Autonomous and connected vehicles allow unprecedented possibilities in influencing and controlling...
Eric Mai, Former Uber Engineer, presented Balancing Riders and Drivers in Real- time around the World at Uber, at the ITS Transportation Seminar March 22 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Eric spent 4 years at Uber as a backend engineer and product manager within the marketplace organization. This talk will span Eric’s experiences and lessons learned working on dynamic...
Ketan Savla, of University of Southern California, presented Horizontal Traffic Queues at the ITS Transportation Seminar March 15, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
The service paradigms typically used in queuing frameworks for transportation systems do not have sufficient resolution to model emerging automation...
University of Illinois at Chicago's Bo Zou presented Modeling Crowdsourced Urban Delivery: System Design, Solicitation Mechanisms, and Algorithmic Development at the Transportation Seminar on March 8, 2019 at 4-5 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Last-mile urban delivery is undergoing a challenging and exciting time with the rapid growth in e-commerce. In this talk, we present three...
Verizon Labs' Aude Marzuoli presented Improving Decision Making and System Performance in Transportation with Mobile Phone Data at the ITS Transportation Seminar on March 1, 2019 at 4-5 p.m. in Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Over the past few years, measuring performance in transportation has shifted from delayed system reporting to real-time information sharing. Each...
Carlos Daganzo, Chancellor's Professor of the Graduate School, delivered the CEE Faculty Distinguished Lecture. He spoke on Four Physics Stories and their Effect on China's Future Mobility on Thursday, Feb. 28 in Sutardja Dai's Banatao Auditorium, 5-6pm.
Four short stories will be used to illustrate how physics and imagination can be used to diagnose and remedy some of...
DKS Associates' Josh Pilachowski presented Transportation Safety: Project Identification, Prioritization, and Funding at the ITS Transportation Seminar Feb. 22 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building. Join us for beverages and cookies at 3:30 p.m.
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is a federally funded program...
Uber's Chiwei Yan presented Transportation Optimization: Data-enabled Advances in a Sharing Economy on Monday, February 11, 2019 in 1174 Etcheverry Hall from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The transportation and logistics industries are undergoing a round of revolutionary innovation. This innovation is fueled by two key drivers: (1) the growing availability of data, and (2) new operational...
MIT's Sébastien Martin presented "From School Buses to Start Times: Driving Policy With Optimization" on Friday, Feb. 8, 2019 in 1174 Etcheverry Hall, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Maintaining a fleet of buses to transport students to school is a major expense for U.S. school districts. In order to reduce costs by reusing buses between schools, many districts spread start times...
UC Berkeley's Claire Tomlin presented Safe Learning in Robotics at the ITS seminar Friday, Feb. 8, 2019 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
A great deal of research in recent years has focused on robot learning. In many applications, guarantees that specifications are satisfied throughout the learning...
Cornell University's Raga Gopalakrishnan presented Integrating Behavior, Economics, and Operations in Urban Mobility: Ridesharing and Multi-Modal Travel on Friday, February 1 in 1174 Etcheverry Hall, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
In today’s urban mobility marketplaces, both operational policies (e.g., matching, routing) and economic mechanisms (e.g., pricing, incentives...
Dengfeng Sun, of Purdue University, presented A Computational Optimization Method in Networked Dynamical Systems under Uncertainties on Feb. 1, 2019 t 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Minng Building.
Most research in control and optimization of networked dynamical systems heavily relies on the fidelity of the dynamics models and efficient computational techniques to execute optimized control...
Chris Harrelson, of Google, presented GTFS and Public-Business Partnerships in the Information Age Jan. 25, 2019 in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building from 4-5 p.m.
GTFS pioneered a new kind of model of software product. In recent years, Powerful computers and networks have revealed a new opportunity for efficient sharing of all kinds information in the world, in real-...
University of Washington's Xuegang (Jeff) Ban presented Modeling Dynamic Transportation Networks Using Differential Complementarity Systems on November 30, 2018 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
We introduce a mathematical paradigm, the Differential Variational Inequality (DVI) and Differential Complementarity Systems (DCS), for modeling and solving equilibrium and...
UC Berkeley's James Sallee presented Are New Vehicle Emissions Standards Effective and Efficient? on November 2, 2018 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
This paper demonstrates the historic effectiveness of new vehicle emissions standards at reducing local air pollution from personal automobiles, but it also...
MIT's Saurabh Amin presented Highway Traffic Operations under Reliability and Security Failures on October 26, 2018 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
In this talk, we introduce a system-theoretic approach for designing highway operations that are resilient to a class of disruptions. We focus on three types of...
Northwestern University's Hani S. Mahmassani presented Integrating Shared Autonomous Fleet Services in Urban Mobility: Dynamic on October 19, 2018 at 4 p.m. in SPECIAL LOCATION 502 Davis Hall.
Transportation is undergoing deep and significant transformation, seeking to fulfill the promise of connected mobility for people and goods, while limiting its carbon...
UC Berkeley's Karen Trapenberg Frick presented Unlikely Alliances and Transpartisanship: Finding Common Ground Across Difference on Transportation and Infrastructure Oct. 12, 2018 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Against a backdrop of hyper-political polarization worldwide, this presentation reviews recent transpartisan coalitions of conservative and progressive allies who advocate...
University of California San Diego's Linda Hill presented Early results from the LongROAD study: A five-city observational study of 2990 older drivers on October 5, 2018 in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 p.m.
Many age-related health conditions may impair safe driving ability, such as those affecting vision, cognition, neck flexibility. Though older drivers are in...
Webinar focuses on many imperative critical analyses for infrastructure megaprojects, provides a timely and fundamental overview / integration of the “Third Crossing” project.
European Commissioner for Mobility and Transport Violeta Bulc presented The Future of European Mobility: Safe, clean and connected Sept. 25, 2018 in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 p.m.
Violeta Bulc, European Commissioner for Transport, is responsible for driving the European Commission's agenda on transport and, under her...
Stanford University's Erin MacDonald presented Designing for Customer Consideration of Alternative Fuel Vehicles, Instead of Final Purchase on September 21, 2018 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Despite years of promotion through incentives, design, and policy efforts, alternative fuel vehicles (AVFs) represented only 7% of U.S. Car Stock in 2016. Financial...
San Jose State University's Hilary Nixon presented Financing the Future of Mobility: What Does the Public Think? on Sept. 14, 2018 in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 p.m.
Contemporary conventional wisdom holds that Americans hate taxes, including the tax that the nation has used for more than a half a century used to fund much of its roadway infrastructure: the...
UCLA's Ankur Mehta presented Collaborative control and autonomy for traffic optimization at 4 p.m. Sept. 7, 2018 in SPECIAL LOCATION 502 Davis Hall.
Urban and suburban communities are experiencing rapid growth in both population and density, adding considerable strain on transportation infrastructure. This in turn detracts from quality of life through the consequent...
Sudatta Mohanty presented "A Deep Learning, Model-Predictive Approach To Neighborhood Congestion Prediction And Control" on Aug. 29 at 11 a.m. in 212 O'Brien Hall.
The talk explores a technique for effectively representing the congestion state in a neighborhood for the purpose of short-term predictions through a simple scoring mechanism...
Join us for our student symposium, where five doctoral students presented their work from 1-4 p.m., reception to follow, in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building, May 11, 2018.
1:00 Paul Anderson
Conditional Signal Priority: Its Effect on Transit Reliability, Transfers and Traffic
Abstract: Travel time variability is a major problem in...
Saif Jabari, NYU Abu Dhabi, presented Stochastic Modeling of Traffic Dynamics on April 27 in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 p.m.
Stochastic models of traffic flow are used in a variety of applications, e.g., traffic state estimation, travel time reliability, and traffic control. This talk will present techniques used...
UC Davis' John Harvey presented Some Thoughts on the Current State and Future of Pavement in California at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar April 20, 2018 at 4 p.m. in 502 Davis Hall.
This talk will present a summary of the current state of pavement and pavement practice (local, state, private) in California, and the likely impacts of changes in transportation that will affect how, where and what kind...
Oded Cats, of Delft University of Technology, presented Network Dynamics of Fixed and Flexible Passenger Transport Under Operational and Behavioural Uncertainty on April 6 from 1-2 p.m. in 212 O'Brien Hall.
The metropolitan passenger transport landscape is shifting due to a combination of technological and social developments which enable both service providers and service users...
Zhenhui (Jessie) Li, of Pennsylvania State University, presented Mining Human Mobility Data on April 13 in 502 Davis at 4 p.m.
Large-scale human mobility data can be collected from mobile phones, car navigation systems, road surveillance cameras, and location-based applications. Turning such raw data into knowledge can provide insights about our city and empower the city to be more...
Join us for the ITS Roundtable: How Do We Finance Transportation Infrastructure on Friday April 6, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in Banatao Auditorium, 310 Sutardja Dai Hall.
The panel includes Congressman Mark DeSaulnier: California's 11th Congressional District; Tilly Chang: Executive Director San Francisco County Transportation Authority; Matthew A. Coogan: Transportation Consultant;...
Pravin Varaiya, UC Berkeley, presented Towards Vision Zero: Intelligent Intersection Infrastructure to enhance safe operations of (self-driving) cars on March 23 in 502 Davis Hall at 4 p.m.
Vision Zero plans concentrate on intersections that present a demanding environment. Challenges arise from complex vehicle trajectories; absence of lane markings to guide vehicles; split phases that prevent...
UC Berkeley's Marta Gonzalez presented Data Science to Study Macroscopic Dynamics in Urban Traffic Networks at the ITS Berkeley Transportation Seminar March 16, 2018.
I present a review on research related to the application of big data and information technologies to urban systems. Data sources of interest include but are not limited to: Probe/GPS data, Credit...
Megan Smirti Ryerson, University of Pennsylvania, presented A Drive for Better Air Service: How air service imbalances across megaregions integrate air and highway demands on March 9 at 4 p.m. in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Between 2000 and 2010, newly merged U.S. airlines decreased service to airports in small and mid-sized metropolitan regions, opting to consolidate their operations at...
Jeff Morales, ITS Senior Fellow, presented Managing Transportation in a New Era of Innovation on March 2 at 4 p.m. in 502 Davis Hall.
A combination of forces is affecting the development and delivery of infrastructure and transportation services and presenting the industry with new challenges. Forces such as politics, budgetary constraints, organizational and workforce issues, and technology...
Steve Raney, Joint Venture Silicon Valley, presented Measurable Commute Reduction and the War on SOV on February 23, 2018.
The Big Picture covers: state SB375 15% per capita driving reduction goal, auto-centered Silicon Valley versus transit-centered Helsinki, Proposition 26 (Chevron spent $3.4 backing it) as barrier to protecting the climate, public policy political viability comparison, trip...
Jonny Simkin, of Swiftly, presented Leveraging Big Data to Improve Operational Performance, Reliability, and Efficiency on February 9, 2018.
The existing public transit infrastructure in the United States already generates a tremendous amount of data, however, this information is often not used as effectively as it could be. In this session, we will discuss some of the ways that Swiftly is...
Carolina Osorio, of MIT, presented Car-sharing Network Optimization Driven by High-resolution Data, Simulation and Discrete Optimization on February 2, 2018.
With the increase in connectivity and in real-time responsiveness, travelers and vehicles are becoming "real-time optimizers" of their trips. The urban mobility challenges and breakthroughs of the next decades will...
Susan Handy, UC Davis, presented Commute Time Quality: Exploring the role of mode and other factors using the UC Davis Campus Travel Survey, on Jan. 26, 2018.
Abstract: Workers worldwide spend a significant share of their time each week getting to and from work. With a finite number of hours in a day, workers are clearly affected by their amount of commute time, but their well-being...
Miroslav Krstic, UC San Diego, presented Traffic Congestion Control: A PDE backstepping perspective, on Jan. 19, in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 p.m.
Control of freeway traffic using ramp metering is a "boundary control" problem when modeling is approached using widely adopted coupled hyperbolic PDE models of the Aw-Rascle-Zhang type, which include the velocity and density states, and...
UC Berkeley's Elizabeth Deakin presented Transportation Futures: Integrating transportation, land use, and environmental planning for sustainable urban development Dec. 1, 2017.
Concerns about global warming, economic disparity, social exclusion, and threatened shortages of water and energy have emerged on policy agendas throughout the world, and the need for aggressive intervention along...
Oxford University's Kagure Wamunyu presented How Ride-Sharing Technology is Impacting Transportation in Africa: The case of Uber in Nairobi on Nov. 17, co-sponsored by the Center for Global Metropolitan Studies
As ride-sharing technology companies enter the African Continent to tap into its market of one billion people, African cities are adopting and responding to the technology in different ways. Looking...
Clemson University's Ardalan Vahidi presented Optimal Coordination of Connected and Autonomous Cars in Smart Cities Nov. 3 at 4-5 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
Connectivity and autonomy of cars and roadside infrastructure is expected to transform urban transportation. For instance, cooperation between intelligent cars and intersection control units can harmonize traffic flow, increase...
San Jose State University's Asha Weinstein Agrawal presented The Search for a Sustainable Source of Federal and State Transportation Revenue: Gas taxes or mileage fees? Oct 27 at 4-5 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building. Beverages and cookies are at 3:30 pm.
For almost a century, gas taxes have generated substantial revenues for building and operating the transportation system, but these...
UC Berkeley's Dounan Tang presented FlexPass: Incentives for reducing employee parking Oct. 20 in 412 McLaughlin Hall at 4 pm.
Most employers offer free or underpriced parking to employees even as they feel the pressure to reduce the number of employees driving alone to work. The FlexPass study is a parking incentive program that avoids employee discontent. We conducted a two-phase study during the...
Stanford University's Chris Gerdes presented Designing Automated Vehicles to Avoid Collisions (and Make Good Decisions When They Can’t) in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building at 4 pm.
Automated vehicles provide an unparalleled opportunity to reduce the approximately 35,000 fatalities that occur each year on US roads. With the ability to sense 360...
San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR)'s Ratna Amin presented Bay Area Transportation 2050: Systems change in action Oct. 6, 2017.
Regional transportation planning is an art and not a science. SPUR, the Bay Area’s leading urban planning organization, has embarked on a Regional Strategy to answer the big planning questions facing the Bay Area through 2050....
Simon Washington, of University of Queensland presented The Interesting and Risky Way in Which Transport System Risk Is Managed: A brief history and need for transformed thinking from 4-5 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building on Sept. 29.
The evolution of thinking around transport system risk management provides an excellent case study on how implicit and...
Don MacKenzie, of University of Washington, presented Environment, Economy, and Equity: New mobility services and sustainability from 4-5 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building on Sept. 22.
New mobility services including carsharing and ride-sourcing are growing quickly, but are they providing mobility for all travelers? Who is using these services? For what...
Arnaud de La Fortelle, of MINES ParisTech, Center for Robotics, presented Cooperation for Autonomous Cars: Why and How? from 4-5 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building on Sept. 15, 2017.
Autonomous cars are being deployed - at least automated functions - but these cars are mainly standalone. Making autonomous cars that are also cooperative is difficult...
Steve Heminger, of MTC, presented Future of the Interstate Highway System on Friday, September 8 at 4 pm in 290 Hearst Memorial Mining Building.
The Interstate Highway System (IHS) is a key component of the US transportation system. While it makes up only 1.2 percent of roadway line-miles of the country...