Northwestern University's Hani S. Mahmassani presented Integrating Shared Autonomous Fleet Services in Urban Mobility: Dynamic on October 19, 2018 at 4 p.m. in SPECIAL LOCATION 502 Davis Hall.
Transportation is undergoing deep and significant transformation, seeking to fulfill the promise of connected mobility for people and goods, while limiting its carbon footprint. Autonomous vehicles are potentially changing the economics ownership and use of private automobiles, likely accelerating trends towards greater use of app-based ride hailing and/or sharing by private TNCs (Transportation Network Companies). Several potential business models with varying degrees of ride sharing and public vs. private involvement in the delivery of mobility as a service are presented. Algorithms for shared autonomous fleet management are discussed and illustrated on a small case application. These are then integrated in an intermodal dynamic network modeling framework, which incorporates an agent-based microsimulation of a transit urban network system with shared-ride autonomous vehicles (SAV) as first-mile feeders. The integrated mode choice and dynamic traveler assignment-simulation modeling framework is applied to the Chicago region to evaluate the mobility impact of new services.
Dr. Hani S. Mahmassani holds the William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair in Transportation at Northwestern University, where he is Director of the Northwestern University Transportation Center, and Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering, with joint appointments in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, and Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences in the Kellogg School of Management. Prior to Northwestern, he served on the faculties of the University of Maryland and the University of Texas at Austin. He has over 35 years of professional, academic and research experience in the areas of intelligent transportation systems, freight and logistics systems, multimodal systems modeling and optimization, pedestrian and crowd dynamics and management, traffic science, demand forecasting and travel behavior, and real-time operation of transportation and distribution systems. He has served as principal investigator on over 150 funded research projects sponsored by international, national, state, and metropolitan agencies and private industry. He is past editor-in-chief and current associate editor of Transportation Science, senior editor of IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and founding associate editor of Transportation Research C: Emerging Technologies. He is a past president of the Transportation Science Section of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, and a past President of the International Association for Travel Behavior Research. He was the recipient of a Distinguished Alumnus Award of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the American University of Beirut in 2006, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Outstanding Application Award of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2010, and the Transportation Research Board’s Thomas Deen Distinguished Lectureship in 2016. He was elected Emeritus member of the Transportation Research Board (of the National Academies) committees on Telecommunications and Travel Behavior, Transportation Network Modeling Committee, and Traveler Behavior and Values. Mahmassani received his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in transportation systems and MS in transportation engineering from Purdue University.