Planning for Equitable Micromobility

April 19, 2024

Thank you to Anne Brown, Assistant Professor, Planning, Public Policy, and Management, University of Oregon, who presented Planning for Equitable Micromobility at the Transportation Seminar on Apr. 19, 2024.

Abstract: Shared micromobility programs, including shared e-scooters and bikeshare, have spread rapidly across the US. Cities are grappling with how these modes may fill gaps in the existing transportation system and how to better reach marginalized and underserved communities. This presentation considers the different dimensions required to plan and implement equitable micromobility, from goal-setting to program design and evaluation, and presents data on how successful equity programs have been to date at extending access to historically underserved groups. It concludes with lessons for how planners and policymakers can manage and design micromobility programs to offer more equitable access and outcomes.

Bio: Anne Brown is an Assistant Professor of Planning, Public Policy, and Management at the University of Oregon. She researches issues around transportation equity, shared mobility, and travel behavior. Dr. Brown holds a Master of Urban and Regional Planning and PhD in Urban Planning from UCLA.