ITS Berkeley, UCCONNECT, TSRC, CITRIS and TRANSOC, hosted a panel on What’s Driving the Research Agenda of the 21st Century?
The panel included moderator Susan Shaheen, TSRC Co-Director and professor, and panelists Neil Pedersen, Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board, alum Therese McMillan, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and alum YuYu Zhang, associate professor at University of South Florida in the Banatao Auditorium on Friday, April 5, 2019 - 2:00pm.
The transport sector is faced with unprecedented challenges including climate change, natural disasters, crumbling infrastructure, a shrinking highway trust fund, and uncertain roles for emerging technologies. This shifting landscape needs research to help guide public policy and planning for the 21 st century. What will be the US strategy in these changing times? To hasten the dialogue, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) just released 12 key topics to guide the discussion over the next five to ten years. The topics range from transformational technologies to energy, sustainability, and equity to safety, governance, and goods movement. Our panel of TRB leaders will share their views on how the transportation community is and should be addressing these topics and the unique role of TRB as a catalyst for progress in our transportation system
Moderator Susan Shaheen, TSRC Co-Director and professor, and panelists Neil Pedersen, Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board, alum Therese McMillan, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and alum YuYu Zhang, associate professor at University of South Florida