UC Berkeley's California Partners in Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH) researcher Michael Mauch and Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor-in-Residence Alexander Skabardonis recently completed a report evaluating coordinated ramp metering systems in cooperation with the State of California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, Department of Transportation and the Univerd States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway administration: Evaluation of Coordinated Ramp Metering (CRM) Systems in California.
Abstract: Freeway on-ramp metering (RM) has been extensively used as a traffic control strategy to regulate the entry of the on-ramp vehicles to prevent congestion at the freeway merging areas and preserve the freeway capacity. Benefits of RM include improved freeway travel times, improved travel time reliability, and accident reductions. Fixed-rate ramp metering strategies are based on historical data and implemented by time of day. Traffic responsive RM strategies are based on real time freeway traffic data provided by loop detectors at the vicinity of the on-ramp. Coordinated RM determine the metering rates at the ramps along a freeway corridor to minimize the delays or maximize the freeway throughput. The objective of this research was to evaluate the traffic performance of coordinated traffic responsive systems (CRM) currently implemented by Caltrans based on field data.