Civil and Environmental Engineering doctoral candidate Xuan Jiang and CEE professor Raja Senguta will be presenting at ITSC 2024, on the paper: DRBO - A Simulator Calibration Framework based on day-to-day Dynamic Routing and Bayesian Optimization at
The paper, co-authored with CEE doctoral candidate Junzhi Cao, Emeritus Professor In-Residence Alexander Skabardonis, and Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology researcher Alex Kurzhanskiy.
Traffic simulation, a tool for recreating real-life traffic scenarios, acts as an important platform in transportation research. Considering the growing complexity of urban mobility, various large scale simulators are designed and used for research and applications. This paper proposes DRBO, a calibration framework for large scale traffic simulators. This framework combines the travel behavior adjustment with black-box optimization, better exploring the structure of the simulator as well as improving its performance. By the calibration procedure, we decrease the gap between the simulator output and the real data, making the system much more reliable. Compared to the prior arts, our framework is efficient for capturing multiple perspectives of the simulator, using Bayesian optimization and rerouting techniques simultaneously, achieving a KL divergence value of 0.053 between simulated speed and observed speed, and we further tested our simulator on SFCTA demand to further validate the speed distribution from our simulation and observed data.