Submitted by admin on Thu, 2017-05-18 12:38
Several ITS Berkeley faculty and researchers were recently involved in the “Designing Innovative Transportation Systems Solutions: Starting with the Data” workshop put on by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) May 9-10, 2017 at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, UC Berkeley.
The goal of the workshop was to develop a whitepaper that can be distributed throughout the transportation ecosystem. The purpose of the whitepaper is to encourage a cooperative effort to prepare for and support the data collection and analytics that will be necessary to transform our transportation infrastructure. Transportation impacts all businesses and all citizens, a holistic approach will be necessary to drive an outcome that enhances everyone’s life.
“It was exciting to bring together so many talented people during the workshop and see their innovation and creativity uncovered and integrated during the breakout groups,” says Jane Macfarlane, workshop organizer. “We put together a great outline that helped illuminate the challenges going forward.”
Day one covered The Rapidly Evolving State of Transportation Data, with workshops on the Energy Efficient Mobility Systems Program; Workshop Purpose and Structure; Plenary: What is the social optimum?; Complexity of the Data Ecosystem: Panel Discussion: Transitions: CAVS, Alternative Fuels and Infrastructure, The Unpredictable Humans, and Panel: How Does Data Inform Policy; Sources of Mobility Data Today: Network Data Potential, Building Win-Win Data Exchanges, and Panel Discussion: National Data Products for Highways; and Building Effective Data Exchanges – Experience from the Wild: Panel Discussion: A City Perspective, A State Perspective, and State of the Providers.
Day two covered Designing Mobility with workshops on The Role of High Performance Computing in Transportation & Energy; Quantifying Privacy and Design Paradigms for IoT Data; Reflecting Reality: What Data Will We Collect and What Data Do the Models Need?: Proving Grounds, Mobility System Modeling at Multiple Scales: Data Requirements and Availability, and Challenges; The Future Urban Landscape; Opportunities for National Data Plays; and Designing for Mobility – A Call to Action breakout groups focusing on what do we do going forward and discussion.

The workshop drew speakers from top institutions and companies, including LBNL, Department of Energy, University of Maryland, Idaho National Laboratory, Silicon Valley Leadership Group, Department of Transportation, Verizon, Metropia, , National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Federal Highway Administration, City of San Francisco, City of Oakland, City of Chicago, City of Portland, Texas A&M Transportation Institute, Cambridge Systematics, Colorado Department of Transportation, Berkeley Transportation Systems, San Diego Autonomous Vehicle Proving Ground, Contra Costa Transportation Authority, GoMentum, Mcity, and Argonne National Laboratory.
UC Berkeley participants include ITS Director Alexandre Bayen, Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology’s Steven Shladover, Transportation Sustainability Research Center’s Tim Lipman and Susan Shaheen, Professor Joan Walker, Connected Corridor’s Joe Butler, Professor Alex Skabardonis, Professor Kathy Yelick, Roy Dong, Professor Alexey Pozdnukhov, and Professor Paul Waddell.
Next steps include compiling results from the breakout sessions and discussion to create the white paper and distribute it to the transportation community.