September 14, 2017
Submitted by admin on Wed, 2017-03-29 11:20
Congratulations to Transportation Engineering doctoral student Edward Forscher, who has been selected to participate in the 25th annual Eno Future Leaders Development Conference in Washington, DC, June 4-8, 2017.
The Future Leaders Development Conference provides a first-hand look at how transportation policy is developed and implemented. Participants will meet with top government officials, leaders of associations, and members of Congress and their staff. They will also see how the nation's transportation policies are debated, shaped, formed, and ultimately adopted and applied. Upon completion of this intensive program, participants will be better equipped to understand the policy-making process that will become increasingly more important as they pursue a career in transportation.
Forscher earned his BS (13) and MS/MCP (16) at University of California, Berkeley, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Transportation Engineering at Berkeley where he is investigating the effects of road and area pricing strategies on goods movement in urban areas, with particular interest in the emergence of shared-use platforms for first- and last-mile movements. He also works as a Graduate Student Researcher at the Transportation Sustainability Research Center.
The Eno Center for Transportation (Eno) was founded in 1921 by William Phelps Eno (1859-1945), who pioneered the field of traffic management in the United States and Europe. Mr. Eno sought to promote safe mobility by ensuring that traffic control became an accepted role of government and traffic engineering a recognized professional discipline. Eno focuses on all modes of transportation, with the mission of cultivating creative and visionary leadership for the sector. We pursue this mission by supporting activities in three areas: professional development programs, policy forums, and publications. Eno is a non-profit charitable foundation and often works in partnership with government agencies, professional organizations, and other private organizations.