In-person Research and Policy Dialogues

October 24, 2017

The CA Air Resources Board (CARB) and the UC Institute of Transportation Studies are piloting a series of in-person research and policy dialogues between state agency practitioners and UC transportation researchers. The first dialogue is scheduled for Friday, January 19, 2018, from 10:00am – 12:00pm at CARB headquarters – 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

This dialog will explore implications of new mobility services (e.g., ride-hailing, rideshare, carshare, bikeshare) and technologies (e.g., connected and automated vehicles) on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and what this may mean for California’s SB 375 program.

The goal of the dialog series is to help ensure state agency staff benefit from the latest UC research insights and provide a venue for UC researchers to learn about priority research needs and questions from state agency staff

The dialog will kick off with a brief overview from state agency leaders, including how the topic fits into California’s broader policy landscape. Following will be a research “lightning round” featuring 3–5 UC researchers providing 5-minute presentations on his/her work related to the topic. The remaining time will be dedicated to discussion among state agency participants and UC researchers with a focus on identifying future directions for research.

Other state agencies will also be invited, including Caltrans, CA Energy Commission, Office of Planning and Research, and CA Department of Housing and Community Development.  

All UC researchers are invited to participate and must register below. For UC researchers interested in presenting during the research lightning round, you must register and submit an abstract (300 word limit) on your proposed presentation topic by Sunday, November 12, 2017CARB will review the abstracts and select 3 - 5 to be featured at the dialog.


For additional information, contact Laura Podolsky at the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis at / 530-752-7248 or one of the other UC ITS representative working on this event. Names and information below:

ITS Berkeley
Laura Melendy

ITS Irvine
Craig Rindt

Juan Matute
Madeline Brozen