Lisa Peterson

Job title: 
Communications and Outreach Lead
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center
ITS Morale Committee
Lead Researcher

Lisa is the Communications and Outreach Lead for SafeTREC and manages center communications for outreach, social media, and two traffic safety related websites. Prior to SafeTREC, Lisa worked at the Center for Public Health Practice and Leadership at Berkeley Public Health, where she lead center communications, was co- instructor for courses on health communications and professional development, and coordinated a new media training series. She has also conducted community based public health research, produced videos, led trainings, and coordinated health communication projects with organizations including Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP), and UC Berkeley's Atkins Center for Weight and Health (now the Nutrition Policy Institute). Lisa received a BA in Sociocultural Anthropology and an MPH in Health and Social Behavior at UC Berkeley.