Robert Schneider

Job title: 
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee

University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning, 2011
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Master of Regional Planning, 2001
Augustana College, Rock Island, Illinois, Bachelor of Arts, 1999

Dr. Robert Schneider is a Professor with more than 20 years of practical and research experience in the sustainable transportation field. He teaches Planning Policy Analysis, Applied Projects in Urban GIS, and Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation. He contributes to international, national, and local research projects on safety, travel behavior, demand analysis, and data collection for active transportation modes.

Robert has led more than 30 peer-reviewed journal articles related to pedestrian and bicycle transportation, and he has won paper awards from the Transportation Research Board Pedestrian Committee in 2001 and 2012, the World Society of Transport and Land Use in 2014, and the Transportation Research Board Bicycle Committee in 2021.

Robert’s safety research has identified roadways with the highest concentrations of pedestrian fatalities across the US, summarized US pedestrian fatality trends over four decades, and produced a new method of classifying pedestrian and bicycle crashes. He is currently analyzing pedestrian safety at night as a part of a National Cooperative Highway Research project team. His pedestrian fatality hot spots study was one of two academic articles cited in the US Department of Transportation’s National Roadway Safety Strategy. Robert’s research has been featured in Streetsblog USAPlanetizen, and the Washington Post.

Robert’s travel behavior research produced the Theory of Routine Mode Choice Decisions, a framework to explain how people choose between pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and automobile modes. He has quantified walking, bicycling, and transit trips produced by different types of land uses and produced statistical models to estimate how many pedestrians cross specific intersections and how many neighborhood workers commute by different types of transportation. He has assessed satisfaction with a variety of types of transportation, including walking, bicycling, riding the bus, and taking microtransit.

Locally, Robert is co-PI of the National Science Foundation FlexRide Milwaukee project, a pilot application of microtransit service connecting central city workers with suburban jobs. He has led Wisconsin Department of Transportation projects to analyze statewide pedestrian and bicycle crash trends, evaluate driver yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, and quantify pedestrian and bicyclist risk at multi-use trail roadway crossings and intersections. He and his student teams have surveyed residents and analyzed safety for Milwaukee Safe and Healthy Streets and the award-winning Milwaukee Pedestrian Plan. Robert is a core team member of Milwaukee Safe and Healthy Streets and has collaborated on research and client projects with multiple organizations, including the City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works and Department of City DevelopmentCoalition for Safe Driving MKEVillard Avenue Business Improvement DistrictNeighborhood House of MilwaukeeMedical College of Wisconsin, and UW-Milwaukee Office of Sustainability.

Between 2001 and 2007, Robert worked for Toole Design Group, LLC, assisting with pedestrian and bicycle planning projects in communities such as Washington, DC, Rockville, MD, Alexandria, VA, Greensboro, NC, and Seattle, WA. Robert served as Chair of the Transportation Research Board Committee on Pedestrians from 2014 to 2020, providing national and international leadership to bridge the academic and professional community. He was named Research Professional of the Year in 2019 by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals.

Research interests: 

Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning, Design, and Safety
Travel Behavior and the Built Environment
Sustainable Transportation Policy
Transportation Standards and Analysis Methods
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods
