Socio-economic Attributes And Impacts Of Travel Reliability: A Stated Preference Approach


This report examines the behavioral reactions to the impact of changes in the probability of a non-recurrent incident and how this affects the expected costs of a commute trip. The basic approach combines the estimation of a travel demand model with a supply side model of a congested highway. Various socio-economic variables, including a detailed classification of occupational groupings, are also examined. The tasks are accomplished through a theoretical model of scheduling choice in the face of uncertain travel times, and through a survey of commuters in the Los Angeles region.

Small, K.
Noland, R.
Koskenoja, P.
Publication date: 
November 1, 1995
Publication type: 
Research Report
Small, K., Noland, R., & Koskenoja, P. (1995). Socio-economic Attributes And Impacts Of Travel Reliability: A Stated Preference Approach (UCB-ITS-PRR-95-36).