
Final Report: Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Communication Systems Field Operational Test Volume 2: FOT Objectives, Organization, System Design, Results, Conclusions and Recommendations

Klein, Lawrence

The Mobile Surveillance and Wireless Communication Systems Field Operational Test (FOT) evaluated the performance of wireless traffic detection and communications systems in areas where permanent detectors, electrical power, and landline communications were not available. The FOT partners designed and built six surveillance and three ramp meter trailers, a video and data retransmission or relay site, and video and data reception facilities at the Caltrans District 12 and Anaheim Traffic Management Center (TMCs) and the University of California at Irvine Institute of Transportation Studies(...

Transient Platoon Aerodynamics During Passing Maneuvers and In-line Oscillations

Tsuei, J. L.
Savas, O.
Hedrick, J. K.

The transient aerodynamic effects in a four-vehicle platoon during passing maneuvers and in-line oscillations are investigated. A vehicle model is moved longitudinally parallel to a four-car platoon to simulate passing maneuvers. The drag and side forces experienced by each platoon member are measure using strain gauge balances. The resulting data are presented as dimensionless coefficients. It is show that each car in the platoon experiences a repulsive side force when the passing vehicle is in the neighborhood of its rear half. The side force reverses its direction and becomes an...

Loop Detector Data Collection and Travel Time Measurement in the Berkeley Highway Laboratory

May, Adolf D.
Cayford, Randall
Coifman, Ben
Merritt, Greg

This document is the final report for the 2001-2002 Berkeley Highway Laboratory (BHL) Project which is a part of the University of California's PATH program and supported by the California Department of Transportation (Catrans). The primary objective of this project has been to maintain, improve, and conduct research on the Berkeley Highway Laboratory (BHL) detector system. This report contains ten chapters that describe the work undertaken and the results of each task of the project. The first chapter introduces the project, provides a project background, and a site description. The next...

Develop Methods to Reduce or Prevent Backing Crashes

Cooper, Douglas L.
Duffy, Sarah
Orrick, Phyllis
Ragland, David R.

Workplace motor vehicle incidents at Caltrans are a significant cause of injuries, employee lost time, and property damage. Because backing crashes are major contributors to motor vehicle incidents, identifying and promoting methods of reducing backing accidents is a top priority. According to internal Caltrans’ data, 92.3% of workplace backing crashes were preventable by the driver. Backing crashes are the single largest category of preventable crashes, representing 30% of preventable crashes in the Caltrans fleet. From 1998 through 2007, preventable backing crashes cost Caltrans at least...

Modeling the Santa Monica Freeway Corridor: Simulation Experiments

Skabardonis, Alexander

The report describes the findings of a study to develop a simulation testbed for the Santa Monica freeway corridor. The study created one of the largest freeway corridor networks coded for the CORSIM microscopic simulation model. The coded network consists of about 10 miles of I-10 freeway and a surface street network with 75 signalized intersections. The results from the simulation experiments indicate that several CORSIM model parameters need to be adjusted in order to accurately simulate freeway facilities for California conditions. The calibrated CORSIM model produced reasonable and...

Development of BRT Architecture: A System Engineering Approach

Hickman, Mark
Tan, Chin-Woo
Lau, Peter
Zhang, Wei-Bin

This report discusses the development of system architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems. In the course of the development of system architecture, it is critical to take a system engineering approach in the development of BRT architecture to assess BRT service needs (or features), the functional realization of these service needs and the means of technological implementation. Motivated by the National ITS architecture, the BRT architecture has a hierarchy of three layers: application, physical, and logical. The application...

Methodologies For Assessing The Impacts Of Highway Capacity Enhancements On Travel Behavior

Liu, Heng
Hall, Randolph

Acceptance of ITS components that are designed to increase capacity will hinge on the extent to which additional capacity induces additional travel. This study addressed methodologies for studying the effects of capacity on travel: 1) before and after studies or travel times and volumes in corridors in which capacity had been increased, 2) surveys of users of routes on which capacity had been increased, and 3) statistical changes in county VMT as a function of freeway capacity. On I-80 in the Bay Area, the site selected for the investigation, travel times and volumes were quite variable....

Orange County Transit Probe Evaluation: Phase I Institutional Findings

Hall, Randolph W.

This report documents the institutional issues that have faced the Orange County probe project, a multi-agency project designed to equip a fleet of buses with Global Positioning System (GPS) based tracking equipment and to use tracking data for multiple purposes. The usefulness of the data involve: 1) bus schedule adherence and fleet management; 2) collection of information on roadway traffic congestion; and, 3) dissemination of transit data to patrons.

Advances in Fuzzy Logic Control for Lateral Vehicle Guidance

Hessburg, Thomas
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

A candidate for intelligent control for lateral guidance of a vehicle is a fuzzy logic controller (FLC). The details of the most recent FLC with a rule base derived from heuristics and designer insight to the problem at hand, as well as a method for estimating a projected lateral displacement are presented along with simulation results. The structure of this FLC is suited to incorporate human knowledge about the steering operation by its choice of inputs and outputs of the FLC which are natural to human steering operation. In addition, a method that makes use of preview information...

TMDD Standards Update Recommendations – Data Structures

Peterson, Brian

This document provides a set of recommendations for modernization of the Traffic Management Data Dictionary (TMDD) (1), currently at version 3.1. These recommendations are based upon the following: Connected Corridors project experience; three previous technical memorandums provided under this project discussing the current and future state of transportation, the state of the supporting technology for information exchange, and a review of the TMDD standard; a gap analysis based on the three technical memorandums delivered as part of this project. The intention of this document is to inform...