Wireless magnetic sensor networks offer a very attractive, low-cost alternative to inductive loops for traffic measurement in freeways and at intersections. In addition to vehicle count, occupancy and speed, the sensors yield traffic information (such as vehicle classification) that cannot be obtained from loop data. Because such networks can be deployed in a very short time, they can also be used (and reused) for temporary traffic measurement. This paper reports the detection capabilities of magnetic sensors, based on two field experiments. The first experiment collected a two-hour trace...
Transportation Management Centers (TMCs) are focal points for monitoring and operating traffic management systems. As new technologies are developed through research in Intelligent-Vehicle- Highway Systems (IVHS), these TMCs will assume increasingly more importance as command and control centers for transportation operations. This study is aimed at developing visions for how the TMC of the future will exploit the capabilities of IVHS. Part 1 of this study, reported herein, is an assessment of existing TMC capabilities in the State of California. Part 2, to be reported later, will develop...
Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) comprise a spectrum of technologies, with both short - term and long - term applications. Eventually, deployment of IVHS may lead to fully automated, hands-off and feet-off, driving. In the short - term, IVHS has included traffic control systems, in - vehicle information systems, and a range of new roadway sensors.This paper develops a framework for planning the evolutionary deployment of IVHS technologies. It defines an evolutionary deployment sequence, identifies baseline assumptions, and presents strategies for achieving success. This paper...
The objective of this paper is to design the network layer of a communication stack to be used in Automated Highway Systems (AHS). The communication model we propose allows cars to form private subnets, the configuration of which can change dynamically. Each car be part of multiple subnets and can send broadcast, multicast and point-to-point messages to other vehicles (both on the same subnet and on others, through a routing mechanism). Each subnet is managed by a server: a car that is in charge of accepting/rejecting join requests and of keeping a consistent state within the subnet....
The focus of this project is to study alternative system architectures and ITS technologies that can improve the efficiency of personalized public transit and demand responsive systems such as paratransit. This report reviews available and emerging ITS technologies that have been deployed or are being considered for this industry. We also conducted a survey of commercially available computer aided dispatching software. We list the numerous features offered by these software packages. Also, included in this report is a statistical analysis of travel patterns of a paratransit provider in Los...
The focus of this project is to study alternative system architectures and ITS technologies that can improve the efficiency of personalized public transit and demand responsive systems such as paratransit. This interim report reviews available and emerging ITS technologies that have been deployed or are being considered for this industry. We also conducted a survey of commercially available computer aided dispatching software. We list the numerous features offered by these software packages. Also, included in this interim report is a statistical analysis of travel patterns of a paratransit...
The Southern California Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Priority Corridor (Priority Corridor) represented a unique opportunity for the region. During the course of this federally sponsored six-year program, the region was able to develop a set of cooperative plans and actions that ensured the ongoing integration of the surface transportation system in Southern California. These directions are set forth in the Southern California ITS Priority Corridor Strategic Deployment Guide (Strategic Guide) and Southern California ITS Priority Corridor Action Summary (Action Summary).
TravInfo is a Field Operational Test (FOT) sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and California Department of Transportation. It aimed to develop a multi-modal traveler information system for the San Francisco Bay Area, combining public and private sector talents. The Broad Area Study is part of the TravInfo FOT evaluation. This paper addresses issues on the willingness to pay for traveler information. Two waves of telephone surveys of Bay Area households were conducted, one prior to and one after the Field Operational Test. The initial survey was conducted in November...
This is a case study of publidprivate partnerships for the implementation of TravInfo, an advanced traveler information system for the San Francisco Bay Area. The purpose of the paper is to illuminate private sector views on how the public/private partnership should work in order to successfilly implement TravInfo. This paper reports on the analysis of a series of interviews conducted among those private sector firms who are participating in the federal Field Operational Test of TravInfo. The firms interviewed range from product manufacturers to service providers, including traffic...
This report describes research which involved the design modification, modeling and control of automatic steering and braking systems for an urban electric vehicle. The vehicle is equipped with four-wheel independent drive, four-wheel independent braking and four-wheel steering. Control algorithms were developed for steering and braking. Simulation results show the feasibility of the algorithms.