Safety Analysis of Concept Systems for Guidance and Control of Transit Buses

Michael, James Bret

This study reports on a method to accomplish sensor validation and fusion in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The method is based on probabilistic and fuzzy techniques that express a confidence in the sensor data and take into account environmental factors and the state of the system. Sensor data fusion uses the confidence assigned to each sensor reading and integrates them into one reading. Noise and failure are filtered from the data and lead to a safety improvement in ITS.

Spatial and Temporal Factors in Estimating the Potential of Ride-sharing for Demand Reduction

Tsao, H.-S. Jacob
Lin, Da-Jie

This study reports on a method to accomplish sensor validation and fusion in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The method is based on probabilistic and fuzzy techniques that express a confidence in the sensor data and take into account environmental factors and the state of the system. Sensor data fusion uses the confidence assigned to each sensor reading and integrates them into one reading. Noise and failure are filtered from the data and lead to a safety improvement in ITS.

Bicycle Detection and Operational Concept at Signalized Intersections Phase 2

Shladover, Steven E.
Kim, ZuWhan
Cao, Meng
Sharafsaleh, Ashkan
Li, Irene
Johnston, Scott

This study reports on a method to accomplish sensor validation and fusion in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The method is based on probabilistic and fuzzy techniques that express a confidence in the sensor data and take into account environmental factors and the state of the system. Sensor data fusion uses the confidence assigned to each sensor reading and integrates them into one reading. Noise and failure are filtered from the data and lead to a safety improvement in ITS.

Intelligent Sensor Validation And Fusion For Vehicle Guidance Using Probabilistic And Fuzzy Methods

Agogino, Alice
Goebel, Kai
Alag, Sanam

This study reports on a method to accomplish sensor validation and fusion in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The method is based on probabilistic and fuzzy techniques that express a confidence in the sensor data and take into account environmental factors and the state of the system. Sensor data fusion uses the confidence assigned to each sensor reading and integrates them into one reading. Noise and failure are filtered from the data and lead to a safety improvement in ITS.

Evaluation of ITS Technology for Bus Transit Systems

Hall, Randolph
Dessouky, Maged
Zhang, Lei
Singh, Ajay
Patel, Vishal

Recently, bus transit service providers have begun to adopt Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Mobile Data Terminals. These systems taken together have the potential to reduce the cost of providing transportation services through the execution of real-time control strategies, performance monitoring systems and data collection to support service realignment. We evaluate bus control strategies using ITS against those without ITS. Two levels of ITS are considered: (1) system with centralized tracking and (2) system with...

Implementation of a Tool for Measuring ITS Impacts on Freeway Safety Performance

Golob, Thomas F.
Marca, James
Recker, Will

The research was undertaken to develop a tool for assessing the impacts of changes in freeway traffic flow on the level of traffic safety. Safety is measured in terms of the probability of a reportable accident, and the tool is so far restricted to urban freeway mainlines with substantial traffic levels. The tool will: (1) monitor the safety level of freeway operations (2) aid in freeway planning. The tool was calibrated by applying advanced statistical models to actual data combined from two sources: Vehicle Detector Station (VDS) data for freeways in Orange County (District 12), and data...

Simulation of ITS on the Irvine FOT Area Using "Paramics 1.5" Scalable Microscopic Traffic Simulator: Phase I: Model Calibration and Validation

Abdulhai, Baher
Sheu, Jiuh-Biing
Recker, Will

In this research, a promising ITS-ready microscopic traffic simulator, Paramics1.5, is thoroughlyevaluated both subjectively and objectively in preparation for its use for modeling ITS in SouthernCalifornia. A general and comprehensive list of requirements (evaluation template) for amicroscopic traffic flow simulator to successfully model ITS was first compiled and presented. Theevaluation template covered various aspects of modern transportation network modeling, including:[1] supply/control aspects, [2] demand/behavior aspects, [3] environmental-related aspects, and [4]simulator-...

Modeling And Control Of Articulated Vehicles

Chen, Chieh
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

This report focuses on dynamic modeling and lateral control of commercial heavy-duty vehicles for highway automation. Two types of dynamic models are developed in the study of lateral control of tractor-semitrailer vehicles in an Automated Highway System (AHS): a complex simulation model and two simplified control models. Two control algorithms for lateral guidance are designed. The first is a baseline steering control algorithm and the second is a coordinated steering and independent braking control algorithm.

Expediting Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (EVII): where the rubber meets (and talks to) the road

Varaiya, Pravin P

This research demonstrated two potential VII (vehicle-infrastructure integration) services, one in traffic data probes and the other with safety. A real private vehicle, operating on California roadways, “talked” to the roadside, with the roadside backhaul interfacing into an existing California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) database and archival application. Demonstration of a probe application showed great promise for supplementing Caltrans’ database with VII- or DSRC-based probe data. Similar promise was shown with a road condition monitoring system, which demonstrated the...

Survey on Status of Knowledge and Interest of Smartcard Fare Collection Systems Among US Transit Agencies

Iseki, Hiroyuki
Yoh, Allison C.
Taylor, Brian D.

This study analyzes data collected from an on-line survey of U.S. transit agencies to (1) gauge current levels of interest in smart card technologies, (2) document the current status of smart card system adoption among transit agencies, the degree of planning and implementation, and levels of participation in interagency collaborations, and (3) examine factors common to agencies that have adopted smart card technology and those that have not.Reflecting significant diversity in their goals and objectives, operating environments, financial conditions, and clients served, transit agencies...