
Travinfo Field Operational Test Evaluation Plan

Hall, Randolph
Yim, Y. B.
Khattak, Asad
Miller, Mark
Weissenberger, Stein

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test (FOT) sponsored by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. The goal of the project is to implement a centralized traveler information center to collect, integrate, and broadly disseminate timely and accurate traveler information in the San Francisco Bay Area. This evaluation plan describes the scope, methods, and procedures to measure the effectiveness of the project. The TravInfo evaluation will contain four evaluation elements: institutional, technology, traveler response, and network performance.

A Research Plan for Highway Vehicle Navigation Technology

Gosling, Geoffrey D.

This working paper describes a proposed research plan to explore the application of advanced technology to highway vehicle navigation. The proposed research addresses navigation, communication, and control technology, benefits of improved vehicle navigation, system requirements, and design and implementation issues. The paper introduces the issues involvedin highway vehicle navigation and communication, and discusses recentdevelopments in vehicle navigation technology.The importance of a vigorous program of research in this area is identified, and six near term and ten follow-on projects...

Travinfo Evaluation (technology Element) Traveler Information Center (tic) Study: Operator Interface Component-phase Iv: Institutional Analysis

Miller, Mark
Loukakos, Dimitri

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test of advanced traveler information systems for the San Francisco Bay Area, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project involves a public/private partnership which seeks to compile, integrate and broadly disseminate timely and accurate multi-modal traveler information through commercial products and services. The public sector component centers on the Traveler Information Center (TIC), which collects and integrates both static and dynamic traveler information. The TIC began operations in September 1996 and operates as an FOT through...

Assessing The Benefits Of A National ITS Architecture

Hickman, M.
Weissenberger, S.
Dahlgren, J.

This paper describes the results of an assessment of benefits from an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) architecture, based on the National ITS Architecture Development program. Benefits of the architecture include those typically attributed to systems engineering and integration. The architecture provides a common framework so that, in planning and implementing systems, state and local agencies can be assured that ITS products and services are compatible and inter-operable with other ITS products and services. More directly, three beneficial features of the national architecture...

A Conceptual Approach for Developing and Analyzing Alternate Evolutionary Deployment Strategies for Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems

Al-Ayat, Rokaya
Hall, Randolph

Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) comprise a spectrum of technologies, with both short - term and long - term applications. Eventually, deployment of IVHS may lead to fully automated, hands-off and feet-off, driving. In the short - term, IVHS has included traffic control systems, in - vehicle information systems, and a range of new roadway sensors.This paper develops a framework for planning the evolutionary deployment of IVHS technologies. It defines an evolutionary deployment sequence, identifies baseline assumptions, and presents strategies for achieving success. This paper...

Freeway Performance Measurement System, PeMS v3, Phase 1: Final Report

Varaiya, Pravin

PeMS is a freeway performance measurement system for all of California.  It processes 2 GB/day of 30-second loop detector data in real time to produce useful information. Managers at any time can have a uniform, and comprehensive assessment of freeway performance.  Traffic engineers can base their operational decisions on knowledge of the current state of the freeway network.  Planners can determine whether congestion bottlenecks can be alleviated by improving operations or by minor capital improvements.  Travelers can obtain the current shortest route...

The Effects of Data Inaccuracy on the Performance of Traffic Signal Timing Plans

Lin, Wei-Hua
Liao, Lawrence C.

This paper explores the performance of signal timing plans calibrated with perfect or imperfect information. The arrival information considered include arrival rates and arrival distributions. The study is conducted for different levels of arrival rates and different forms of arrival distributions under a wide range of arrival information inaccuracy, traffic intensity, and intersections with balanced and unbalanced flows.Our results indicate that the increase in delay, the number of stops, and queue length is in general insignificant when the arrival distribution used to calibrate the...

EasyConnect: Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project

Shaheen, Susan A., PhD
Rodier, Caroline J., PhD

The EasyConnect Low-Speed Modes Linked to Transit Planning Project (TO 5113) project represents the integration of innovative strategies to enhance transit use during the development and construction of a suburban transit oriented development at the Pleasant Hill Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District station in the East San Francisco Bay Area. This planning project brings together a unique partnership including small technology businesses, transportation agencies, city and county government, and academia. The project components include the introduction of shared-use low speed mode...

Planning Workshop - Seminar Series

Argote-Cabanero, Juan
Camel, Madonna
Hernandez, Maribel

The University of California Center on Economic Competitiveness in Transportation (UCCONNECT) together with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) organized four seminars in areas of interest to the Division of Transportation Planning (DOTP). UCCONNECT and DOTP collaborated to identify topics and speakers within the consortium who could present their latest research findings on the selected areas. Each session in the series consisted of a 1-2 hour presentation followed by a Q&A discussion moderated by an expert in the field. The title of the first event in the...

From LOS to VMT, VHT and Beyond Through Data Fusion: Application to Integrate Corridor Management

Bayen, Alexandre
Gan, Qijian
Gomes, Gabriel

Traffic performance metrics such as delay and Level Of Service (LOS), which are well documented in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), have been widely used by most of the transportation consulting companies, public agencies, and etc. For arterial delay analysis, prevailing commercial tools like Synchro have adopted the method proposed by the HCM, which is rooted in the Webster’s delay calculation proposed more than 50 years ago. The LOS is obtained using a lookup table that assigns a certain grade (from A to F) to the estimated delay according to its value. Without knowing detailed...