
Evaluation of the Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operational Test: Executive Summary

McNally, M. G.
Moore, James E., II
MacCarley, C. Arthur
Jayakrishnan, R.

This Executive Summary provides an overview of the technical and institutional issues associated with the evaluation of the federally-sponsored Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System Field Operations Test. The primary FOT objective was the implementation and performance evaluation of adaptive traffic signal control technologies including an existing second generation approach, SCOOT, and a 1.5 generation control (1.5GC) approach under development. Also selected for implementation was a video traffic detection system (VTDS).The SCOOT evaluation was defined relative to existing, first...

Ten Strategies for Freeway Congestion Mitigation with Advanced Technologies

Daganzo, Carlos F.
Laval, Jorge
Munoz, Juan Carlos

This report presents ten strategies for improving freeway performance that have become feasible with the advent of new software and hardware technologies for traffic control. Most of the strategies can be applied with advanced implementations of existing hardware. The strategies have in common that they can be rigorously tested. heir measures of performance can be reliably obtained and do not depend on the accuracy of data- hungry, large-scale models.

The Netcell Simulation Package: Technical Description

Cayford, Randall
Lin, Wei-Hua
Daganzo, Carlos F.

This report describes the NETCELL simulation package. NETCELL is a freeway network simulation program based on the cell transmission model which captures the dynamic evolution of multicommodity traffic over a freeway network with three-legged junctions in a way that is consistent with the hydrodynamic theory of highway traffic. NETVIEW is a graphical postprocessor for viewing NETCELL output files. This document discusses implementation of the programs in detail, including the cell representation for a freeway network with three-legged junctions, data and file structures, inputs and outputs...

Methods for Identifying High Collision Concentration Locations for Potential Safety Improvements

Geyer, Judy
Lankina, Elena
Chan, Ching-Yao
Ragland, David
Pham, Trinh
Sharafsaleh, Ashkan

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) uses Table C and related documents to identify and to investigate locations within the state highway system where a relatively large number of collisions occur. In earlier years, a task force evaluated the process of generating and using these reports and found that there was much room for improvements. A list of recommendations was made. The efforts undertaken within this project is part of the effort to make the process of safety investigations and improvements more efficient and productive. This report summarizes the work carried...

A Theory Of Traffic Flow In Automated Highway Systems

Broucke, M.
Varaiya, P.

This paper presents a theory for automated traffic flow, based on abstraction of vehicle activities such as entry, exit and cruising, derived from a vehicle's automatic control laws. The theory formulates TMC traffic plans as the specification of the activities and speed of vehicles, and the entry and exit flows for each highway section. The theory permits the study of transient phenomena such as congestion, and TMC feed back traffic rules designed to deal with transients.

Safety and Capacity Analysis of Automated and Manual Highway Systems

Carbaugh, Jason
Godbole, Datta N.
Sengupta, Raja

This paper compares safety of automated and manual highway systems with respect to result- ing rear-end collision frequency and severity. The results show that automated driving is safer than the most alert manual drivers, at similar speeds and capacities. We also present a detailed safety-capacity tradeo study for four di erent Automated Highway System concepts that di er in their information structure and separation policy.

HOT Lane Simulation Tools

Horowitz, Roberto
Kurzhanskiy, Alex A.
Wright, Mathew

This report describes the simulation model and software for freeway corridors with High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) and High-Occupancy or Tolled (HOT) lanes, and the model calibration methodology.

Safe Operation of Automated Vehicles in Intersections

Germbek, Offer
Kurzhanskiy, Alex A.
Medury, Aditya
Varaiya, Pravin
Yu, Mengqiao
Siddiqui, Asfand

This report describes the technology needed for safe and efficient operation of signalized intersections in the presence of automated vehicles (AVs).

Assessment of the Applicability of Bus Rapid Transit on Conventional Highways—Case Study Feasibility Analyses Along the Lincoln Boulevard Corridor

Skabardonis, Alex
Miller, Mark A.
Li, Irene Yue
Cervero, Robert
Murakami, Jin
Zou, Zhijun
Richman, Neal
Wong, Norman

This report presents the results of a performance assessment of the applicability of bus rapid transit on conventional highways in the setting of a site-specific case study along the Lincoln Boulevard corrider in Santa Monica, California. When bus rapid transit systems are implemented on conventional highways, especially on arterials, there are numerous bus priority treatments that can be applied and each has associated with it issues that need to be investigated. In this study, we are investigating concurrent flow curb bus lanes based on the removal of peak period parking along the...

Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS) Version 4

Varaiya, Pravin

PeMS 4 is the latest of four task orders devoted to research, development, and maintenance of the PeMS system. PeMS collects, processes, stores, and makes available online data from the six Caltrans districts (D3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12), which include the major urban areas in California. The data are obtained from 23,237 loops, grouped into 7,359 vehicle detector stations (VDS). These loops cover 2,812 out of 30,726 miles of interstate and state highways in California. PeMS began as a research project. As the research system evolved, Caltrans determined that the information it provided was very...