7 MCP Capstone Projects Funded and Published

June 11, 2024

Congratulations to City and Regional Planning Master of City Planning students Jacquelyn Broader, Angie Chen, Mallika Gupta, Katie Heuser, Andre Soucy, Sandra Romero, and Winnie Zhuang (MS/MCP) on receiving fellowship funds from the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) Berkeley and the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (PSR), the Regional University Transportation Center, to conduct research for their capstone project.

“ITS Berkeley is pleased to support these seven students with their capstone research,” says ITS Berkeley Director Daniel Rodriguez. “We had a number of tremendous applications and are excited to see the results during capstone presentations.”

The fellowship award program is administered by ITS Berkeley and supported by federal funding from the US Department of Transportation through PSR, the US Region 9 center comprised of California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, and the Pacific Islands. PSR is led by the METRANS Transportation Center, University of Southern California and includes the following partners: California State University, Long Beach, Northern Arizona University, Pima Community College, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis, University of California, Irvine, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Hawaii, and University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 

Fellowship receivers are UC Berkeley graduate students in the Master’s in City Planning degree program in their second or third year of study and conducting research on their capstone project. Research related to topics consistent with PSR-UTC and UC-ITS priorities: Accessibility and Mobility for All; Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains; Labor in a Changing Transportation Landscape; and Housing and Transportation Linkages were encouraged and prioritized, though not be limited to.

Click on a person below to see their published paper.