Miller, Walls Accepted to CTF Transportation Education Symposium

November 1, 2024

Grace Miller and Julia WallsCongratulations to Urbans Studies students Grace Miller and Julia Walls, who have been accepted to the Annual California Transportation Fund (CTF) Transportation Education Symposium on November 7-8, 2024 in Fresno.

The CTF Transportation Education Symposium is a gathering of top California university students and high-level transportation executives for two days of mentoring and role playing.

The event is broken down into three parts:

  • Plenary sessions where professionals will share insights and answer questions about the transportation industry and career development
  • Small group and one-on-one mentoring between professionals and students focused on navigating the job market, getting the most out of your career, and avoiding professional pitfalls
  • Student Mock RFQ Competition. Students are grouped into teams to respond to a real-world RFQ. Professionals coach the teams and role-play project stakeholders.