Moura, Sastry Recieve ASME DSCD Awards

October 29, 2021

 Shankar Sastry Gives Lecture on ZoomCongratulations to UC Berkeley Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Bioengineering, and Mechanical Engineering Professor Shankar Sastry and Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Scott Moura on being honored at the 52nd Annual American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD) Awards Ceremony on Tuesday Oct. 26, 2021 over Zoom. Department of Mechanical Engineering Chair Roberto Horowitz, Chair, DSCD Honors and Awards Committee presented the awards.

Shankar Sastry ASME AwardSastry was presented with the 2021 Rufus T. Oldenburger Medal for fundamental contributions to the foundations of nonlinear, adaptive and hybrid control, control of robots and vehicles, and for contributions to control and robotics education.

“This is truly an honor,” says Sastry. “This is quite a group to be included in.”

The medal recognizes lifetime achievements in automatic control and was established in 1968 to honor Rufus Oldenburger for his distinctive achievements in the field and for his service to the Society and the Division.

Sastry is the Thomas Siebel Professor of Computer Science, Director of the Blum Center for Developing Economies and Co-Director of the C3 Digital Transformation Institute and holds faculty appointments in the Departments of Bioengineering, EECS and Mechanical Engineering. His research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics, Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation, Security, and Signal Processing. Previously, he served as dean of the College of Engineering from 2007 to 2018. He was formerly the Director of CITRIS (Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society) and the Banatao Institute @ CITRIS Berkeley. 

Sastry also presented the 2021 Rufus T. Oldenburger Lecture: Digital Transformation of Societal Scale Systems

ABSTRACT: Opportunities abound for the development of new technologies and business models to address some of the most pressing problems of society. Most notably, the integration of IoT, Data Analytics and Machine Learning and Cloud Computing into societal scale infrastructures, such as energy, transportation, communications, and financial systems.  Of course, the issues of transforming societal systems is accompanied by issues of economic models for transformation, privacy, (cyber) security and fairness considerations. Indeed, the area of “mechanism design” for societal scale systems is a key feature in transitioning the newest technologies and providing new services. Mechanism Design has traditionally been in the domain of economics; however, the rich interplay of cognitive science, machine learning, and privacy and cybersecurity makes for the creation of a new and rich discipline, which we are calling Digital Transformation.  In this talk, I will present an intellectual framework for designing Digital Transformation of Societal Systems, combining elements of learning and adaptive control, game theory, cybersecurity and utility-based privacy embodied in a new Institute the Digital Transformation Institute led by Berkeley and UIUC with partners at CMU, Chicago, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm MIT, and Princeton.

Scott Moura ASME AwardMoura received the 2021 Young Investigator Award for outstanding contributions in estimation, learning, and optimization of energy systems including electrochemical batteries, automated and electric vehicles, and clean energy systems.

“Thank you all! I’m honored to be part of this fantastic community,” says Moura.

The Young Investigator Award is given biennially (odd years) by the DSCD of ASME to a DSCD member under 40 years old at time of nomination, is a mechanical engineering professional, and has demonstrated outstanding research contributions, either basic or applied, in fields of interest to the DSCD.

Moura is the Clare & Hsieh Wen Shen Distinguished Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering and his research interests focus on modeling, estimation, and control of energy systems: advanced batteries, vehicle electrification, distributed energy resources. He leads the Energy, Controls, and Applications Lab and has been appointed the Faculty Director of California Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology (PATH) beginning January 2022.

In addition, Professor Dawn Tilbury, UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Controls alum and University of Michigan Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Professor, delivered the 2021 Nyquist Lecture on Tuesday Oct. 26, 2021: Cyber-physical manufacturing systems: Leveraging data for improved quality and resiliency

ABSTRACT: Cyber-physical systems, in which computation and networking technologies interact with physical systems, have made great strides into manufacturing systems. By increasing the amount of automation, at multiple levels within a factory and across the enterprise, cyber-physical manufacturing systems enable higher productivity and higher quality, as well as lower costs. Real-time data from the factory floor populates “digital twins”, resulting in resilient systems that can respond and adapt to disturbances and other environmental changes.