Submitted by admin on Thu, 2017-04-27 15:40
Congratulations to the winners of this year’s ITS Awards. With a number of stellar nominations, and it was an invigorating experience to see all the great work ITS and its Centers are doing. Thank you to everyone who contributes to making ITS Berkeley so strong.
ITS Distinguished Legacy Award
Elizabeth Deakin
ITS Faculty of the Year
Trevor Darrell
ITS Team Leadership Award
Wei-Bin Zhang
ITS Culture of Excellence
Greg Merritt
ITS Distinguished Service
Kiki (Kieran) Flaherty, UCOP
ITS Outstanding Graduate Student Award
Cathy Wu
ITS Outstanding Undergraduate Award
Mark Jaffee
Distinguished Award for Advancement of Research and Innovation
Joint award: Gillian Gillett, Jay Nath, City of San Francisco
We will be celebrating this year’s award winners at our end of year gathering in December, so stay tuned. Thank you all for being such a great community.