ITS Berkeley and Partners for Advance Transportation Technology (PATH) welcomed visitors from Caltrans to campus and the Richmond Field Station to discuss research, projects, and collaboration January 17, 2023.
Caltrans Office of Traffic Operations Chief of Multimodal Transportation Balwinder Tarlok, Head of Traffic Operations Research Jagtar Dahliwal, Transportation Engineer Steve Turner, Caltrans - PATH Management Contract Manager Fouad Ziaa, Transportation Engineer Pradeepa Pannirselvam met with ITS Berkeley and PATH leadership to get acquainted, explore ongoing and potentially new connected and automated vehicle research, and look at collaboration between Caltrans and UC Berkeley involving researchers from both organizations with a similarity in focus.
Former ITS Director, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science professor, and CIRLCES Principal Investigator Alexandre Bayen, ITS research affiliate and CIRCLES investigator Jonny Lee, and Civil and Environmental Engineering professor, CIRCLES researcher and ITS affiliate Maria Laura Delle Monache discussed preliminary results from their recent traffic demonstration of putting 100 autonomous vehicles in morning rush hour traffic in Tennessee and potential future collaborations with Caltrans in California.
PATH Faculty Director and Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Scott Moura and PATH Executive Director James Fishelson showcased research and equipment at the Richmond Field Station, including the California Connected Vehicle Test Bed, enabling safe, interoperable wireless communications among vehicles, infrastructure, and personal communications devices; the NEXTCAR project, developing a predictive and data-driven control technology for a connected and automated plug-in hybrid electric vehicle; and connected automated cruise control enable truck platoons.