Evaluation Of Highway Bottlenecks


This is the final report of the PATH research project "Bottleneck Evaluation Model." The goal of the project was to develop a computer tool for evaluating capacity and travel time benefits of PATH improvements. The Bottleneck Traffic Simulator (BTS) is used to investigate the time benefits of changes in highway design and operation. Key issues include the effects of (1) highway reliability, in the form of incident frequency, duration and reliability; and (2) changes in traveler behavior, in the forms of arrival time choice and reneging.

Hall, Randolph W.
Kamoun, Mahdi
Publication date: 
July 1, 1991
Publication type: 
Research Report
Hall, R. W., & Kamoun, M. (1991). Evaluation Of Highway Bottlenecks (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-91-9). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0r7960zv