This report presents a study whose objective is to explore how people deal with unexpected congestion during the pre-trip stage and how they might respond to Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). Travelers' route, departure time and mode selection decisions were investigated through a survey of San Francisco Bay Area automobile commuters. The effects of various factors are examined, such as sources of congestion information, trip characteristics, and route attributes. The pre-trip response to future ATIS technologies is explored through stated preferences.
Publication date:
March 1, 1996
Publication type:
Research Report
Khattak, A., Polydoropoulou, A., & Ben-akiva, M. (1996). Commuters’ Normal And Shift Decisions In Unexpected Congestion: Pre-trip Response To Advanced Traveler Information Systems (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-96-7). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4vb1r0pc