Inter-technology Effects in Intelligent Transportation Systems


This project examines the expected benefits of varying combinations of ITS applications: Freeway Service Patrol, Changeable Message Signs, and Ramp Metering. The research analyzes the simulated results of a stylized network in a microscopic traffic simulator. The traffic network includes parallel roadways, ramp meters and changeable message signs.We have tested these technologies in various combinations. We measure effectiveness and define a measure of inter-technology economies.In brief, it is found that additional technologies are sub-additive, and more benefits come from each technology in isolation than when it is bundled with other technologies.

Levinson, David M.
Kanchi, Seshasai
Gillen, David
Publication date: 
May 1, 2002
Publication type: 
Research Report
Levinson, D. M., Kanchi, S., & Gillen, D. (2002). Inter-technology Effects in Intelligent Transportation Systems (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2002-19).