Join us for the Smart Cities: The future of urban infrastructure 2018 Martin Wachs Lecture. The panel this year features former students, post docs and colleagues of Martin Wachs and will focus on the discussion of Smart Cities and the role that urban infrastructure and transportation will have.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Reception - 5:15 PM
Wurster Gallery, UC Berkeley
Lecture - 6:10 PM
112 Wurster Hall, UC Berkeley
Each year the annual Wachs Lecture draws innovative thinkers to the University of California to address today’s most pressing issues in transportation. Created by students to honor Professor Martin Wachs upon his retirement from the University, the lecture rotates between Berkeley and UCLA, the campuses at which Marty taught.
Jeff Morales (Moderator): Former Executive Director of Caltrans; Former Chief Executive Officer of California High Speed Rail Authority; Senior Fellow at UC Berkeley’s Institute of Transportation Studies
Ryan Russo: Director of Oakland’s new Department of Transportation; former Deputy Commissioner of Transportation at New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT)
Tom Maguire: Director, Sustainable Streets at San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and former Assistant Commissioner at NYCDOT
Maria Mehranian: Managing Partner and Chief Financial Officer, Cordoba Corporation
Prof. Susan Shaheen: UC Berkeley, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Co-Director, Transportation Sustainability Research Center
Event Co-Sponsors: Martin Wachs Distinguished Lecture in Transportation Fund, Institute of Transportation Studies UC Berkeley, Global Metropolitan Studies, University of California Transportation Center, Department of City + Regional Planning College of Environmental Design, and Berkeley Infrastructure Initiative of UC Berkeley's Social Science Matrix
February 14, 2018