Randy Iwasaki is the President and CEO of Iwasaki Consulting Services, Inc. Prior to that, he was the Leader of State and Local Transportation for Amazon Web Services (AWS). In that position he leads AWS’s data support and analysis services for state and local transportation agencies, including; artificial intelligence support; use of AWS services in development of new technology in transportation; data analysis methods for policy and planning analyses; traffic operational support; and other uses of AWS services by state and local transportation agencies. Prior to joining AWS Randy served for over 10 years as Executive Director of the Contra Costa Transportation Authority recognized as one of the most innovative transportation agencies in the United States. He founded GoMentum Station, the largest secure automated vehicle test facility in the nation. Prior to that he was a 27-year employee of the California Department of Transportation, where he rose through the ranks to become Chief Deputy Director from 2004 to 2009 and Director from 2009 to 2010. He is an internationally recognized leader in transportation research and innovation, and is frequently called upon to speak to the latest developments in automated and connected vehicle technology development and testing. He has been on dozens of TRB committees and research panels over the course of his career - serving as the chair of several of them. He served as Chair of the USDOT’s Freight Advisory Committee for three years.
Job title:
ITS Senior Fellow
Institute of Transportation Studies
Iwasaki Consulting Services, Inc.