Faculty/Lead Researcher

James Sallee

Associate Professor
Agricultural and Resource Economics

Ph.D. Economics, University of Michigan (2008)
B.A. Economics and Political Science, Macalester College (2001)

James is a public economist specializing in environmental and energy economics, with a secondary expertise in the economics of taxation. Much of his research is focused on greenhouse gas emissions from the personal transportation sector. I study the policies affecting that domain (fuel economy regulations, subsidies for alternative technology vehicles, gasoline pricing, etc.), as well as consumer choice over automobiles, and the...

Raja Sengupta

Civil and Environmental Engineering
CalUnmanned Research Lab
Raja Sengupta is Professor in the Systems Engineering Program, Civil & Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. He holds an EECS Phd from the Universithy of Michigan. His research has spanned automated cars, drones, connected cars, smartphone Apps for Economics & Transportation, wireless networking, and control theory. He likes to do research with industry and get it into the marketplace. He holds car-to-road networking patents with Toyota, a UAV patent with BAE Aerospace, and has car-to-car networking contributions standardized by the SAE into J2945. He created...

Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen

Chancellor's Professor
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Co-Director: Environmental Science and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua-Berkeley Institute

Max Shen is a Chancellor's Professor in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. His research and teaching interests are in the areas of Logistics Systems, Supply Chain Design and Management, Transportation Infrastructure Management, Public Transportation Systems, Transportation Systems Sustainability. He serves as an associate/senior editor for several leading journals. Several of his former students are faculty members at universities in the US and abroad.

Steven Shladover

Research Engineer
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology
Lead Researcher

Dr. Shladover was one of the pioneers in the creation of the ITS program in the U.S., beginning with work on founding the California PATH Program in the mid 1980s. He received his bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees in Mechanical Engineering from MIT, where he also satisfied all the course requirements for a doctorate in Transportation Systems. He began working on applications of information technology to improving surface transportation as a graduate student in 1973, and has worked since then on a wide variety of research projects. He combines hard-core engineering expertise in...

Alex Skabardonis

Professor In-Residence
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology

Alexander Skabardonis has the following research interests: Traffic engineering, traffic control systems, traffic management, transportation and the environment

Ph.D., Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering), University of Southampton, England, 1982
M.S., Civil Engineering (Transportation Planning & Engineering), University of Southampton, England, 1979
Diploma, Civil Engineering, National Technical University, Greece, 1977

Kenichi Soga

Chancellor’s Professor; Donald H. McLaughlin Chair in Mineral Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Kenichi Soga is the Donald H. McLaughlin Chair in Mineral Engineering and a Chancellor’s Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also a faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He obtained his BEng and MEng from Kyoto University in Japan and PhD from the University of California at Berkeley. He was Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Cambridge before joining UC Berkeley in 2016. He has published more than 400 journal and conference papers and is the co-author of "Fundamentals of Soil Behavior, 3rd edition" with Professor James K...

Masayoshi Tomizuka

Cheryl and John Neerhout, Jr. Distinguished Professor
Berkeley DeepDrive
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Systems Control Lab

Masayoshi Tomizuka received his B.S. and M.S. from Keio University in 1968 and 1970, respectively. He received his Ph. D. from MIT in 1974, after which he joined the ME Department at UC Berkeley. Here, he served as the Vice Chair of Instruction from Dec. 1989 to Dec. 1991, and as the Vice Chair of graduate studies from Jul. 1995 to Dec. 1996. He is currently the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley.

From 2009 to 2011, he was the Executive Associate Dean for the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley. He also served as Program...

Iris D. Tommelein

Distiguished Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Iris D. Tommelein is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Project Management in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and she directs the Project Production Systems Laboratory (P2SL) at the University of California, Berkeley.

Tommelein has been studying, developing, and applying principles and methods of project-based production management for the architecture-engineering-construction (AEC) industry, what is termed Lean Construction. Tommelein has led many industry workshops, hosted conferences on Lean Construction, and is actively engaged in consulting work....

Nick Tsivanidis

Assistant Professor
Haas School of Business
Berkeley Economics

Nick Tsivanidis is an Assistant Professor of Real Estate and Economics in the Haas School of Business and the Department of Economics at UC Berkeley. He is also Co-Director of the Cities Research Programme at the International Growth Center (IGC).

Tsivanidis is an applied economist with interests across Urban and Regional Economics, Development Economics, and Applied Macroeconomics. His research uses new sources of data to understand the process of urbanization in emerging economies. His recent research includes: examining the impact of Bus Rapid Transit on productivity...

Jeffrey Vincent

Director, Public Infrastructure Initiatives
Lead Researcher
UC Berkeley Center for Cities & Schools

Jeffrey M. Vincent, PhD is a director and cofounder of the Center for Cities & Schools (CC&S) at the University of California, Berkeley. Jeff has a PhD in City and Regional Planning from Berkeley. His policy and research interests lie at the intersection of land use planning, community development, and educational improvement, with a particular focus on how school facilities serve as educational and neighborhood assets. Jeff has researched and written extensively on a variety of issues, including school infrastructure planning, school siting and design, sustainable communities,...