
Noelani Fixler

Policy and Program Analyst
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center
Noelani Fixler is a Policy and Program Analyst for UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) whose work focuses on the Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training (CPBST) and Complete Streets Safety Assessments (CSSA) programs. Prior to joining SafeTREC they completed a Transportation Planning Internship at San Francisco Bay Ferry and a Resilience Fellowship at Greenbelt Alliance. Noelani holds a B.A. in Geography from UC Berkeley.
Noelani is a committed advocate for public transit, safe streets, and housing. They are the Transportation and...

Julia Fonturbel

R&D Engineer
UC Pavement Research Center

Liwei Fu

Applications Programmer
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center

Liwei Fu is the Applications Programmer at SafeTREC. She works on taking a data-driven approach to help resolve traffic safety issues. She is involved in building crowdsourced data tools, tribal data analysis, and various other traffic injury mapping tools. She has experience in data management and statistical models, and works with time series and spatial data.

Amir Gholami

Postdoctoral Researcher
Partners for Advanced Transportation Technology

Amir Gholami is a postdoctoral research fellow in BAIR Lab. He received his PhD from UT Austin, working on bio-physics based image analysis, a research topic which received UT Austin’s best doctoral dissertation award in 2018. He is a Melosh Medal finalist, recipient of best student paper award in SC'17, Gold Medal in the ACM Student Research Competition, as well as best student paper finalist in SC’14.

Thomas Gotschi

Research Data Analyst
Institute of Transportation Studies

Dr. Thomas Gotschi is an internationally recognized expert in sustainable transportation research with a focus on active transportation and health impact assessments. He specializes in issues around data collection and quantitative methods. In over ten years of research, he has worked on and led a diversity of projects, including developments of data collection apps and tools, innovative travel survey designs, analysis of travel behavior data, and modeling travel related impacts on carbon emissions and health. Recent projects include Physical Activity through Sustainable...

Julia Griswold

Safe Transportation Research and Education Center
Lead Researcher

Julia is the Director at SafeTREC and serves as technical lead on projects related to bicyclist and pedestrian safety. Her research expertise and interests include collection and processing of nonmotorized transportation data, bicyclist and pedestrian and exposure modeling, improving access to safety data, and bicyclist level of service measures.

Julia developed her first pedestrian exposure model for her master's thesis in Geography at San Francisco State in 2006. She began working at SafeTREC as a graduate student researcher in 2009, continued as a...

Irwin Guada

Assistant Development Engineer
UC Pavement Research Center
ITS Morale Committee

Irwin Guada is an Assistant Development Engineer at the UC Pavement Research Center at UC Berkeley's Richmond Field Station.

Roxana Infante

Administrative Officer
Berkeley DeepDrive

Roxana Infante is an Adminstrative Officer at Berkeley DeepDrive and Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research.

Jay Johnson

Digital Communications
ITS Morale Committee

Jay is a member of TechTransfer's delivery team who handles digital communications for TechTransfer and student services for our Learn2Launch program. Contact Jay if you have questions regarding course delivery, questions or concerns about our website or monthly email updates, or have questions regarding our Learn2Launch program.

Adrienne L. Joseph

Research Administrator
Safe Transportation Research and Education Center

Adrienne L. Joseph is one of UC Berkeley Safe Transportation Research and Education Center’s (SafeTREC) Research Administrators. She is part of the Administrative team and is primarily responsible for the center’s procurement as well as grant administration. Adrienne has worked for UC Berkeley for over 20 years and holds an Associates Degree in Accounting from Heald Business College.