A Comparison Of Traffic Models: Part 1, Framework


This report defines a framework for comparing dynamic traffic models. It emphasizes four dimensions: functionality, traffic dynamics, route choice dy namics, and overall network performance. The first dimension compares the models through a check-list of model functions. Regarding the last three comparison dimensions, a total of five networks and twelve scenarios are defined. These test scenarios are designed to accentuate model properties and differences. Also included in the report are a list of performance measures for comparison purpose, and a discussion of the interpretation of results.

Lo, Hong K.
Lin, Wei-hua
Liao, Lawrence C.
Chang, Elbert
Tsao, Jacob
Publication date: 
August 1, 1996
Publication type: 
Research Report
Lo, H. K., Lin, W., Liao, L. C., Chang, E., & Tsao, J. (1996). A Comparison Of Traffic Models: Part 1, Framework (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-96-22). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8608t44v