Development Of A Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment Procedure For Network-level Analysis Of New Technology


Recognizing that many of the new technologies under consideration in the areas of automation, navigation, and control require a system-wide  perspective to evaluate their full impacts, this investigation sought to identify a suitable network analysis procedure which  would, with acceptable accuracy, quantify the traffic redistribution effects of deploying new technologies in actual urban settings. The specific focus of the work was to identify a network traffic assignment procedure to be used in the analysis and evaluation of new technologies deployed in selected corridors containing High Occupancy Vehicle(HOV) facilities; however, the results are equally applicable to the assessment of new technologies in any congested urban network.

Sullivan, Edward C.
Wong, Sun
Publication date: 
August 1, 1989
Publication type: 
Research Report
Sullivan, E. C., & Wong, S. (1989). Development Of A Dynamic Equilibrium Assignment Procedure For Network-level Analysis Of New Technology (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-89-4).