Feasibility Study Of Advanced Technology Hov Systems: Volume 4: Implementation Of Lateral Control Systems In Transitways


This study investigates issues concerning the implementation and impacts of lateral guidance/control systems and the phased implementation of these systems in exclusive-access High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes. The study is divided into 5 volumes. The objectives of each volume are as follows: Vol. 1: identify strategies for early deployment of longitudinal control technologies on the highway, and to evaluate potential impacts of these strategies on traffic operation, highway capacity, and traffic accidents. Vol. 2A: assess the feasibility of early deployment of Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle (RPEV) technology in existing HOV facilities in California. Vol. 2B: investigate potential near-term air quality benefits due to RPEV's relative to conventional Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEV's), when the two are assumed to operate under identical conditions. Vol. 3: identify policy scenarios for including HOV lanes in dynamic route-guidance networks, when HOV lanes exist on the corridors. Vol. 4: study incremental systems for implementation in existing transitways and potential safety and capacity impacts of these systems, and assess human-factor issues relevant for the implementation of these systems.

Chira-chavala, Ted
Zhang, W. B.
Walker, J.
Javandel, F.
Demsetz, L.
Publication date: 
December 1, 1992
Publication type: 
Research Report
Chira-chavala, T., Zhang, W. B., Walker, J., Javandel, F., & Demsetz, L. (1992). Feasibility Study Of Advanced Technology Hov Systems: Volume 4: Implementation Of Lateral Control Systems In Transitways (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-92-6). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0979f6dx