Fuzzy Throttle And Brake Control For Platoons Of Smart Cars


This study demonstrates the use of an additive fuzzy system to control the velocity and gap of cars in a single lane two-car platoon. A throttle- only controller and a combined throttle and braker controller were tested. Simulation results show that follower cars with a combined brake/ throttle controller can maintain a constant gap when the platoon goes down hills and slows. An adaptive throttle controller uses a neural system to learn the fuzzy rules for different vehicle types.

Kim, H.
Dickerson, J.
Kosko, B.
Publication date: 
December 1, 1995
Publication type: 
Research Report
Kim, H., Dickerson, J., & Kosko, B. (1995). Fuzzy Throttle And Brake Control For Platoons Of Smart Cars (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-95-42). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3jp4m25g