Interim Report: Compliance and Commercial Vehicle Operators – A Systems Evaluation of the Problem and Virtual Solutions


This report documents a review of the literature for commercial motor vehicle inspection and compliance stations and its relationship with the growth of truck travel over the next 25 years and the lack of concurrent capacity increases in staffing at such stations. Problems result in that more commercial vehicles will need to stop for inspection with longer queues at weigh stations associated with increased congestion, increased wait times, more idling trucks, and increased safety hazards. Alternatively, without stopping at inspection and compliance stations other problems will result such as roadway pavement and structure damage, and safety-related and security-related issues. Proposed advanced technological solutions to these problems are examined focusing on the four areas of pavement damage, safety, air quality, and security.

Madanat, Samer
Rodier, Caroline
Allen, Denise
Johnston, Scott
Miller, Mark A.
Allen, Jaime
Benjamin-Chung, Jade
Kazanjy, Michael
Narayan, Atul
Giuliano, Gen
McFerrin, Peter
Publication date: 
August 1, 2008
Publication type: 
Research Report
Madanat, S., Rodier, C., Allen, D., Johnston, S., Miller, M. A., Allen, J., Benjamin-Chung, J., Kazanjy, M., Narayan, A., Giuliano, G., & McFerrin, P. (2008). Interim Report: Compliance and Commercial Vehicle Operators – A Systems Evaluation of the Problem and Virtual Solutions (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-2008-16).