This report describes the results of experimental evaluation of longitudinal control algorithms for commercial heavy vehicles (CHVs). Given the problem of delays in the fuel and brake actuators of automated CHVs, the researchers present improved modeling of air brakes for CHVs, and novel nonlinear algorithms for the longitudinal control of CHVs without intervehicle communication. The significance of these results in terms of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) deployment is that one of the major obstacles to autonomous vehicle following for CHVs has now been removed The authors also point out that adaptive cruise control can now be implemented in CHVs that are not equipped with Electronic Brake Systems.
Publication date:
March 1, 1998
Publication type:
Research Report
Yanakiev, D., Eyre, J., & Kanellakopoulos, I. (1998). Longitudinal Control Of Heavy Duty Vehicles: Experimental Evaluation (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-98-15). https://escholarship.org/uc/item/86g348m8