Trajectory Design And Implementation Of Longitudinal Maneuvers On AHS Automated And Transition Lanes


In this report, the authors present a modified safe join trajectory for the regulation layer maneuvers of the hierarchical PATH Automated Highway System (AHS) architecture. This new design presents a more conservative behavior for the controlled platoon in a maneuver. The new trajectory reduces the chance of having a collision when the platoon ahead applies and holds maximum braking.

Chen, Pin-yen
Alvarez, Luis
Horowitz, Roberto
Publication date: 
November 1, 1997
Publication type: 
Research Report
Chen, P., Alvarez, L., & Horowitz, R. (1997). Trajectory Design And Implementation Of Longitudinal Maneuvers On AHS Automated And Transition Lanes (No. UCB-ITS-PRR-97-49).