Electric Vehicles

Fuel Saving Achieved in the Field Test of Two Tandem Trucks

Browand, Fred
McArthur, John
Radovich, Charles

The fuel consumption of two tandem trucks is recorded for truck spacings of 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10 meters. The trucks are linked by means of an electronic control system, and are operated on an unused runway at Crows Landing, California. Fuel consumption data is averaged while traveling in both directions over the same central strip of runway to cancel the effect of runway slope and to partially cancel the effect of wind. The average fuel consumption saving to be achieved by tandem operation varies from about 11% at 3-4 meters spacing to about 8% at 8-10 meters spacing.

Task A-2: Implementation and Management of Electronic Roadway Tolling: Lessons from Successful Cases

Kalauskas, Rebecca
Taylor, Brian D.
Iseki, Hiroyuki

Over the past decade road pricing has moved from the drawing board to practice in projects large and small around the world. But while interest in and experience with electronic roadway tolling is on the rise, political acceptance is not yet widespread and standard models of implementation and management have yet to evolve. Accordingly, this report examines a variety of road pricing projects– some that were smoothly implemented, and others that encountered significant obstacles along the way. Based on these cases and a thorough review of the literature, we draw lessons to guide future...

TASK A-3: Examining the Linkages between Electronic Roadway Tolling Technologies and Road Pricing Policy Goals

Demisch, Alexander
Iseki, Hiroyuki, PhD
Taylor, Brian D.

The surge of road pricing projects in the U.S. and around the globe over the past fifteen years has been enabled by a set of new communication and transportation technologies. There is currently a wide array of technical configurations ranging from systems based on “tried and true” short-range radio communications to experimental systems relying on global positioning satellites. These technologies provide for a more efficient collection of simple tolls, and also facilitate a movement toward more dynamic, variable user fees.In this study, we provide a comprehensive literature review of...

Evaluation Of Potential Hybrid Electric Vehicle Applications: Vol. II

Gris, Arturo

Identifies potentially promising market segments for electric and hybrid vehicle technologies; covers topics including energy and power requirements, battery and range extender, propulsion system, and air conditioning

Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle Project Track Construction And Testing Program Phase 3D

Systems Control Technology, Inc.

This report covers the construction and testing of a Roadway Powered Electric Vehicle (RPEV) proof-of-concept system. The test facility was built at the University of California Richmond Field Station. The facility has a 700-foot test track and an operational 35-passenger RPEV. The report contains an introduction to the concept of RPEV and discusses the following aspects of the project: systems engineering and design, vehicle, facilities, testing, related RPEV research, and control circuits.

Planning and Accommodating the Micromobility Revolution and Its Impact on Public Health

Quistberg, Alex
Rodriguez, Daniel

Micromobility has grown immensely over the past decade, encompassing both public shared systems and private ownership, and, as Burford et al. have found, a surge in user injuries and deaths has accompanied the growth. Micromobility refers to the use of small vehicles, such as bicycles and scooters, that are either human powered or electric. These vehicles are ideal for short trips—although electric-powered micromobility has expanded the potential distance range.

The Dynamics of the California Electric Grid Mix and Electric Vehicle Emission Factors

Zhang, Xingrui
Martin, Elliot
Shaheen, Susan

Electric vehicle (EV) emissions occur when a vehicle is charged and are based on the mix of power sources used during that period. The rapid growth of solar and wind energy has introduced a high degree of variability in the emissions of the grid for both diurnal and annual periodicities. Growth in solar energy has been particularly prominent in California. Using grid mix data spanning April 2018 to April 2023 from the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and power source emission factors, we evaluate the grid mix at 5 min intervals and estimate the emission factors based on the...

Is electric vehicle carsharing for everyone? from activity patterns to user retention

Yassine, Ziad
Martin, Elliot
Shaheen, Susan

This research explores the user dynamics of electric vehicle (EV) carsharing within underserved communities, focusing on BlueLA, a one-way station-based EV carsharing service in Los Angeles, California. This study employs a mixed-methods approach to evaluate how activity patterns differ between BlueLA member types and how membership type influences user retention rates. We conduct an exploratory data, clustering, and survival analyses, using BlueLA trip activity data, supplemented by insights from a user survey and a general population survey. Our results reveal distinct travel behaviors...

Can Electric Vehicle Carsharing Bridge the Green Divide? A Study of BlueLA’s Environmental Impacts among Underserved Communities and the Broader Population

Yassine, Ziad
Martin, Elliot W.
Shaheen, Susan A.

This study aims to evaluate the potential of electric vehicle (EV) carsharing services to address social and environmental disparities in urban transportation through an evaluation of BlueLA, a one-way station-based carsharing service in Los Angeles, California. BlueLA provides a clean and affordable mobility option in underserved communities that face significant air quality burdens and have historically been excluded from environmental benefits. By incorporating BlueLA trip activity data from January 2021 to December 2022 (n = 59,112 trips) and an online user survey implemented in early...

More Needs to Be Done to Lower Costs for Ridehailing Drivers to Shift to Electric Vehicles

Shaheen, Susan
Martin, Elliot
Ju, Mengying

Transportation network companies (TNCs) have played an increasingly prominent role providing on-demand mobility for consumers across California. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) have adopted and are implementing SB 1014 (Clean Miles Standard), which establishes an annual increase in the percent of zero-emission passenger miles traveled and greenhouse (GHG) emission reduction targets for TNCs. This regulation requires TNC drivers to acquire and operate an electric vehicle (EV).