This report concerns vehicle fault detection and identification. The design of a vehicle health monitoring system based on analytical redundancy approach is described. A residual generator and a residual processor are designed to detect and identify actuator and sensor faults of the PATH Buick LeSabre. The residual generator, which includes fault detection filters and parity equations, uses the control commands and sensor measurements to generate the residuals which have a unique static pattern in response to each fault. Then, the residual processor interrogates the residuals by matching...
This report defines an architecture for Automated Highway System (AHS) capacity-optimizing traffic planning functions. It identifies major traffic planning functions useful for optimizing the capacity of one or more major AHS operating scenarios and organizes them in a robust architecture that is modular, hierarchical, complete, expandable and integratable.
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the travel and emissions impacts of urban freeway automation scenarios and to compare these to travel demand reduction scenarios, such as travel pricing and land use intensification. The Sacramento regional travel demand model set was used and an alternatives analysis was conducted. Two protocols are used to operate the model set. Results are discussed, comparing the alternative scenarios, and methodological findings are discussed, comparing the results from the two protocols for operating the model set. Methodological findings present new ideas...
This project studies the coordination layer control and decision making for automated trucks and buses. Maneuver design and coordination algorithms need to take several factors into consideration. Practical achievement in this project includes the following: automated ground vehicle maneuver coordination; maneuver design for automated trucks/buses; model-based simulation package development for control design and real-time code development.
This report summarizes wind tunnel experimental measurementson the aerodynamic interaction between members of misaligned platoons. Experiments are conducted at the University of Southern California's Dryden Wind Tunnel Facility. All experiments are made using 1/8 scale models of 1991 Chevy Lumina minivan. Models are placed above a ground plane with a porous surface, through which slight suction is applied to remove the boundary layer. Refurbishing of the ground plane surface, and its repositioning to a 1 degree angle of attack produce significantly improved air flow through the test...
In fiscal year 2002/2003 we finished the study of the effect of vehicle-vehicle/vehicle-roadside communication on the performance of adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems. Two simulation studies were finished. The first is a single ACC vehicle simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK. A cut-in scenario and a braking scenario are tested. Communication greatly saves control effort in the former scenario, while it has little effect in the latter. The other work simulates ACC controlled highway merging using SHIFT language. The results show the beneficial effects of communication in terms of the...
This report is the culmination of a year-long effort to develop a connected and automated vehicle (CAV) Strategic Plan for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The purpose of the CAV Strategic Plan project is to define a vision and tactical strategy for Caltrans in preparation for CAV deployment in California and to begin a policy development process to keep California at the forefront of this emerging industry. This plan recommends actions for Caltrans to carry out within the next five years. Caltrans has a strong interest in planning for the fast-moving evolution in...
The objective of the project is to assess the feasibility of vehicle-follower control withhigh accuracy and good ride quality, using a Doppler radar as the primary sensor (SeeAppendix A.1 - A.3).
In this report the authors present a unified framework for carrying out safety calculations for the automated highway problem and obtain sufficient conditions for a set of continuous controllers to be safe and use these conditions to design a discrete scheme that switches between them. Guarantees of safety for the closed loop hybrid system follow by design/
This report addresses some of the important longitudinal vehicle modeling and control issues of Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS) such as brake dynamic model development and validation, decentralized longitudinal control algorithms which guarantee the stability of the entire platoon and fault detection and isolation in the longitudinal vehicle dynamics of controlled vehicles.