
A Five-Year Development Plan for the California Aviation Database

Tsao, H.-S. Jacob

The California Aviation Database (CAvD) project was suggested by Caltrans Aeronautics Program to fulfill a need of the planners involved in aviation system planning and programming activities to locate and access aviation data and information in an efficient and comprehensive way. CAvD is being implemented in the form of an Internet website and is currently intended as a five-year project. However, the development can be accelerated, and the duration will depend on the available resources. CAvD is a joint project between the National Center of Excellence for Aviation Operations Research(...

Welfare Analysis of Informal Transit Services in Brazil and the Effects of Regulation

Golub, Aaron David

In Brazil, the recent explosion of informal transport activity is having profound effects on formal, regulated transport systems and is the source of great controversy in the urban passenger transportation arena. A variety of policies are being proposed to manage what has been an uncontrolled growth of the sector. This study seeks to understand the advantages these systems have for users who choose them, and how proposed policies will impact these benefits. A corridor in Rio de Janeiro with substantial informal activity was used as a case study and field trips were made to gather basic...

Where the Crosswalk Ends: Mapping Crosswalk Coverage via Satellite Imagery in San Francisco

Moran, Marcel E.

Marked crosswalks are the primary means of safeguarding pedestrian travel at intersections in American cities. In the face of decades-high pedestrian fatalities nationwide, the provision of adequate cross walks is highly salient. Though, how they are spatially distributed across an entire city, and vary by neighborhood, has drawn little academic scrutiny. Given that, this study utilizes satellite imagery to map the presence of marked crosswalks throughout San Francisco, a dense, walkable city that has struggled to reach its pedestrian-safety goals. For the first time, this allows for a...

Are shelters in place? Mapping the distribution of transit amenities via a bus-stop census of San Francisco

Moran, Marcel E

Transit stops serve as crucial components of journeys for riders, but their condition is often left out of equity considerations. Two important empirical questions are what stop amenities, such as places to sit, clear sign age, shelters for inclement weather, and unobstructed curbs are present, and how are they distributed across systems, which may reveal neighborhood or route-specific disparities. San Francisco, CA represents an ideal case for which to pursue this question, given it maintains a ‘transit first’ policy directive that mandates public space prioritize transit over private...

Smartphone Applications and Data Impacting Transportation

Shaheen, Susan, PhD
Cohen, Adam

Demographic shifts, improvements in computing power and mapping technology, the use of cloud computing, and changes in wireless communication —coupled with the growth of data availability and data sharing —are changing the way people travel. Increasingly, mobility consumers are turning to smartphone “apps” for a wide array of transportation activities including: vehicle routing, real-time data on congestion, information regarding roadway incidents and construction, parking availability, and real-time transit arrival predictions. Travel time savings (e.g., high occupancy vehicle lanes...

Equity and Shared Mobility

Shaheen, Susan, PhD
Cohen, Adam

Ensuring equal access for protected classes impacted by shared mobility services is critical. In California, this can include provisions mandating access for individuals with disabilities, as well as prohibitions in discrimination against other protected classes. Many of these laws not only prohibit discrimination against the end user but also shared mobility employees. In addition to prohibiting discrimination, it is imperative to ensure shared mobility is accessible to all. Equitable treatment of shared mobility providers (e.g., data, insurance, licensing) is also a key consideration.

Willingness of Hurricane Irma evacuees to share resources: a multi-modeling approach

Wong, Stephen D
Yu, Mengqiao
Kuncheria, Anu
Shaheen, Susan A
Walker, Joan L

Recent technological improvements have greatly expanded the sharing economy (e.g., Airbnb, Lyft, and Uber), coinciding with growing need for transportation and sheltering resources in evacuations. To understand influencers on sharing willingness in evacuations, we employed a multi-modeling approach across four sharing scenarios using three model types: 1) four binary logit models that capture each scenario separately; 2) a multi-choice latent class choice model (LCCM) that jointly estimates multiple scenarios via latent classes; and 3) a portfolio choice model (PCM) that estimates...

Understanding California wildfire evacuee behavior and joint choice making

Wong, Stephen D, PhD
Broader, Jacquelyn C
Walker, Joan L, PhD
Shaheen, Susan A, PhD

For evacuations, people must make the critical decision to evacuate or stay followed by a multi-dimensional choice composed of concurrent decisions of their departure time, transportation mode, route, destination, and shelter type. These choices have important impacts on transportation response and evacuation outcomes. While extensive research has been conducted on hurricane evacuation behavior, little is known about wildfire evacuation behavior. To address this critical research gap, particularly related to joint choice-making in wildfires, we surveyed individuals impacted by the 2017...

Managing Evacuation Routes

So, Stella K.
Daganzo, Carlos F.

This paper shows that evacuation routes, such as a building’s stairwell or an urban freeway, may discharge inefficiently if left unmanaged, and that setting priority rules can speed up egress. Therefore, a simple control strategy is proposed. The strategy is decentralized and adaptive, based on readily available real-time data. The strategy is shown to be optimal in two senses: (i) it finishes the evacuation in the least possible time, and (ii) it evacuates the maximum number of people at all times. In both cases, it favors the people most at risk. The results shed light on other traffic...

Deploying Lanes for High Occupancy Vehicles in Urban Areas

Cassidy, Michael J.
Daganzo, Carlos F.

Simulations and field experiments in previous works suggest that a freeway’s general purpose lanes (those not dedicated to high occupancy vehicles) discharge vehicles from bottlenecks at an equal or higher average rate when one of the lanes is devoted to high occupancy vehicles than when it is not. This result was used in these previous works to develop formulae for the total discharge rate of bottlenecks, with and without dedicated lanes, as a function of the percentage of high occupancy vehicles in the traffic stream.This present paper extends these ideas by examining the effect of...