
Energy Efficiency - Innovations: Driving Prosperity, Slashing Emissions

Shaheen, Susan
Cohen, Adam

In recent years, mobility on demand (MOD) is gaining popularity among mobility consumers. This innovative concept is based on the principle that transportation is a commodity where modes have economic values that are distinguishable in terms of cost, journey time, wait time, number of con-nections, convenience, and other attributes. MOD enables consumers to access mobility, goods and services on demand by dispatching or using shared mobility, ...

Fleeing from Hurricane Irma: Empirical Analysis of Evacuation Behavior Using Discrete Choice Theory

Wong, Steven D.
Pel, Adam J.
Shaheen, Susan A.

This paper analyzes the observed decision-making behavior of a sample of individuals impacted by Hurricane Irmain2017(n = 645) by applying advanced methods based in discrete choice theory. Our first contribution is identifyingpopulation segments with distinct behavior by constructinga latent class choice model for the choice whether to evacuate or not. We find two latent segments distinguished by demographics and risk perception that tend to be either evacuation-keen or evacuation-reluctant and respond differently to mandatory evacuation orders.Evacuees subsequently face a multi-...