
Automated Vehicles Industry Survey of Transportation Infrastructure Needs

Wang, Pei
McKeever, Benjamin
Chan, Ching-Yao

Automated vehicle (AV) deployment can bring about transformational changes to transportation and society as a whole. The infrastructure owner-operators (IOOs), who own, maintain, and operate the infrastructure, have the opportunity to work jointly with the AV industry to provide safe and efficient operations. A key question for the IOOs is, “What transportation infrastructure improvements do AV manufacturers believe will facilitate and improve AV performance?” This study was designed to address this question through a comprehensive survey approach, including an online survey and follow-up...

Road Usage Charging (RUC)

Forscher, Teddy
Bayen, Alexandre, PhD
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

Pricing transportation infrastructure, either to achieve a desired outcome or to raise revenue, is a concept dating back to early-and mid-20thcentury economics and transportation scholarship. Different approaches to pricing (e.g., area-wide pricing, vehicle miles traveled, express lanes, etc.) have been adopted in parts of Europe and Asia; some strategies cover all road users, some only passenger vehicles, and others only commercial and goods movement vehicles. Pricing, as a revenue source, has recently gained momentum in the U.S., driven by federal legislation (MAP-21; FAST Act) and state...

Preserving Privacy in Road User Charge (RUC) Architectures

Bayen, Alexandre, PhD;
Forscher, Teddy
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

One of the major concerns for the technical implementation of a RUC is the ability to collect the mileage of motorists in a way that preserves and protects individual privacy. With the widespread use of connected devices/smartphones and the growth of connected vehicles and the existence of toll tag readers, it is possible to build and deploy architectures capable of computing advanced fee structures (based upon on mileage, road type, time of day, and speed, among other features) that respect motorist privacy. A possible architecture can rely on the use of virtual trip lines (VTLs) –a...

Pooling Passengers and Services

Forscher, Teddy
Shaheen, Susan, PhD

In the past ten years, passenger and goods movement transportation systems have evolved rapidly. Shared mobility providers are filling gaps in service and creating new markets for delivery; vehicle fleets continue to electrify; and pooled services are increasing vehicle occupancy. The uptake of innovative pooled services, as well as automation, promise to continue the trend of transformative change. As the private sector continues to advance, there is a great need for institutional flexibility in managing and coordinating all users of transportation infrastructure, particularly on the...

On the Design of Public Infrastructure Systems with Elastic Demand

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This paper considers the optimization of public infrastructure systems, recognizing that these systems serve multiple user classes. Under the guidance of a policy-making body, the analyst chooses both the system design, including its layout and control, and the prices to be charged for the service. The goal of the optimization is to maximize society's welfare recognizing that the system's performance will in general depend on the system's demand, and vice versa. The optimization problem is first formulated in its full complexity. Under defined circumstances, the problem decomposes into...

Toward Green TODs

Ververo, Robert
Sullivan, Cathleen

Green Transit Oriented Developments (TODs) shrink environmental footprints by reducing Vehicle Kilometers Traveled (VKT)/ Vehicle Miles Travled (VMT) and incorporating green urbanism and architecture in community designs. Synergies from combining TOD and green urbanism derive from increased densities, which promote transit usage and conserve heating/cooling expenses; mixed land uses which promote non-motorized transportation and limited-range electric vehicles; reduced impervious parking services matched by increased open space and community gardens; and, opportunities for generating solar...

A congestion mechanism for uphill expressways, Part I: the shoulder lane "release valve"

Patire, Anthony D.
Cassidy, Michael J.

A mechanism is unveiled by which congestion forms and persists near the base of an uphill expressway segment, causing significant reductions in output flow. The traffic condition in the expressway's shoulder lane is key to the mechanism. When shoulder-lane flow was low, drivers maneuvered around speed disturbances that periodically arose in the median lane. The shoulder lane accommodated high rates of vehicle migrations, thus acting as a "release valve" for the excess accumulation created by the speed disturbances. The release valve failed only when demand increased later in the rush. The...

China's Urban Transportation System: Issues and Policies Facing Cities

Cherry, Chris

China is the most populous country in the world. With a population of 1.3 billion, meeting the housing and transportation needs of this vast country are on the forefront of the political and academic agenda in China and throughout the world. China has experienced phenomenal economic and social growth and as a result the Chinese have desired more mobility and living space. The effects of these desires are beginning to be seen in new auto oriented ex-urban developments that have larger living spaces than the traditional urban centers and whose road infrastructure is developed to support high...

Structure of Competitive Transit Networks

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This paper describes the network shapes and operating characteristics that allow a transit system to deliver a level of service competitive with that of the automobile. To provide exhaustive results for service regions of different sizes and demographics, the paper idealizes these regions as squares, and their possible networks with a broad and realistic family that combines the grid and the hub-and-spoke concepts. The paper also shows how to use these results to generate master plans for transit systems of real cities.The analysis reveals which network structure and technology (Bus, BRT...

Evaluation of Traffic Data Obtained via GPS-Enabled Mobile Phones: the Mobile Century Field Experiment

Herrera, Juan C.
Work, Daniel B.
Herring, Ryan
Ban, Xuegang (Jeff)
Bayen, Alexander M.

The growing need of the driving public for accurate traffic information has spurred the deployment of large scale dedicated monitoring infrastructure systems, which mainly consist in the use of inductive loop detectors and video cameras. On-board electronic devices have been proposed as an alternative traffic sensing infrastructure, as they usually provide a cost-effective way to collect traffic data, leveraging existing communication infrastructure such as the cellular phone network. A traffic monitoring system based on GPS-enabled smartphones exploits the extensive coverage provided by...