ITS Berkeley

Singularities in kinematic wave and variational theories: supershocks, solution properties and some exact solution methods

Daganzo, Carlos F

According to the duality theory of traffic flow any well-posed kinematic wave (KW) and/or variational theory (VT) problem can be solved with the same methods either on the time-space plane or the time vs vehicle number plane. To achieve this symmetry, the model parameters and the boundary data need to be expressed in a form appropriate for each plane. It turns out, however, that when boundary data that are bounded in one plane are transformed for the other, singular points with infinite density (jumps in vehicle number) sometimes arise. These singularities require a new form of weak...

Examination of Key Transportation Funding Programs in California and Their Context

Gahbauer, John
Matute, Juan
Coutin, Talia S.
Rios Gutierrez, Alejandra
Rios Gutierrez, Nataly

Examination of Key Transportation Funding Programs in California and Their Context assesses the congruence between funding programs and state goals for transportation. Particular attention is given to major funding sources, such the State Operation and Protection Program, and programs designed to promote key state goals, including the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program, the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, the Transformative Climate Communities program, and the Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant program.

Variable-Rate State Gasoline Taxes

Ang-Olson, Jeffrey
Wachs, Martin
Taylor, Brian D.

Inflation and increased fuel economy have reduced the buying power of the revenues collected from state and federal motor fuel taxes. Because fuel taxes are almost always collected on a per-gallon basis, in most states they must be raised by specific acts of the legislature and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the political support necessary to raise them. A number of states have experimented with fuel taxes that adjust automatically by being indexed to the price of gasoline, to the consumer price index, or to some indicator of highway construction and maintenance costs. This...

A Simple Traffic Analysis Procedure

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This paper presents a simple approximate procedure for traffic analysis that can be described geometrically without calculus. The procedure, which is graphically intuitive, operates directly on piecewise linear approximations of the N-curves of cumulative vehicle count. Because the N-curves are both readily observable and of direct interest for evaluation purposes (e.g., they yield the total vehicle-hours and vehicle-miles of travel in a time interval, and the vehicular accumulation as a function of time) the predictions made with this method should be practical and easy to test.

Review of Statewide Transportation Plans for California

Deakin, Elizabeth
Chow, Chun Ho
Son, Daisy

California has adopted ambitious goals for its transportation systems. The state has pledged to reduce greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels and by 80 percent by 2050, and has also committed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. With transportation a major emitter, substantial changes in transportation vehicles, fuels, operations, and user choices must be achieved to meet these goals. As pressing as climate change goals must be, other goals remain important. California has pledged to maintain its transportation infrastructure in a state of good repair, provide...

The Producer Surplus Associated with Gasolne Fuel Use in the United States

Sun, Yongling
Delucchi, Mark A.
Lawell, C.-Y. Cynthia L.
Ogden, Joan M.

Estimating the producer surplus – the revenue above the average long-run cost – is an important part of social cost-benefit analyses of changes in petroleum use. This paper estimates the producer surplus associated with changes in gasoline fuel use in the United States, and then applies the estimates of producer surplus to two kinds of social cost-benefit analyses related to petroleum use: (1) estimating the wealth transfer from consumers to producers as a result of policies that affect oil use and oil imports to the US, and (2) comparing the actual average cost of gasoline with the...

Cruel Seas: World War 2 Merchant Marine-Related Nautical Fiction from the 1930s to Present

Krummes, Daniel C

Cruel Seas is an annotated bibliography of fiction in English that involves civilian steamships of the merchant marine in works set during World War Two (or slightly before). While the subtitle states "1930s to Present," the last entry was added in 2008, and the work will not be updated. The entries include novels, novellas, and short stories, but exclude poetry, theater plays, and fiction written for juveniles (unless the work can appeal to adults as well). Many of the works involve ships in convoy across the Atlantic.An earlier version of Cruel Seas was published in softcover edition in...

Sources of Information in Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Bibliography

Petrites, Seyem

This bibliography is intended to serve as a guide to sources of information in Intelligent Transportation Systems. While it focuses primarily on U.S. and Canadian publications, some international materials have been included. Emphasis is on current publications, however, some materials of historical interest have also been included. Although the term ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) is considered to be the more current terminology, the term IVHS (Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems) has been retained and used when appropriate to reflect older publications of historical significance...

Sources of Information in Highways: A Bibliography

Krummes, Daniel C.
Ambler, Betty
Atwood, Paul
Bix, Janet
Clark, Laurel
Gallwey, John
Geary, Kay
Gutshall, Judy
Haake, Susan
Krummes, Daniel
Matis, Lynn
Motzkus, Gisela
Sweet, Robert

This bibliography, containing over 650 entries, is intended to serve as a guide to the major sources of information on highways. While sources listed focus primarily on the United States and Canada, some international materials have been included. Though emphasis is on current publications, some materials of historical interest have also been included. Resources listed in the bibliography include both print and electronic materials, with many Internet sites falling within that latter category. The bibliography was a collaborative effort and was compiled by twelve members of the...

Sources of Information in Intelligent Transportation SystemsA Bibliography, 2006

Petrites, Seyem D.

This bibliography is intended to serve as a guide to the major sources ofinformation in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). While the focus is on the United States, some international materials have been included. Emphasis is on current materials, although publications of historical interest have also been included. Resources listed include print and electronic materials, as well as websites on the Internet. This bibliography is based primarily on the holdings of the Harmer E. DavisTransportation Library at the Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Berkeley...