ITS Berkeley

The Role of Air Cargo in California's Goods Movement

Tsao, H.-S. Jacob

California would be the seventh largest economy in the world, if it were a nation. Efficient goods movement is crucial to California's economy. To support continued growth of the State's economy, Caltrans is leading the development of a Statewide Goods Movement Strategy. This strategy is being prepared as a response to a recommendation of the 1993 California Transportation Plan. It serves as one element, together with the Transportation System Performance Measures report being prepared in parallel by Caltrans, of the 1998 California Transportation Plan update. Air cargo consists...

Streamlining Connected Automated Vehicle Test Data Collection and Evaluation in the Hardware-in-the-Loop Environment

Fu, Zhe
Liu, Hao, PhD
Lu, Xiao-Yun, PhD

Quality data collection, processing, and analysis are foundational to good research, policy making and regulation development. With the rapid development of Connected Automated Vehicles (CAV) technologies, it is urgent for both researchers and policy makers to obtain and evaluate good quality CAV data to better understand CAV impacts. CAV hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) tests can expedite CAV performance evaluation and system implementation. This research aims at equipping an existing HIL test tool with data management functions. To this end, a database instance on MySQL has been integrated...

A Dozen Reasons for Raising Gasoline Taxes

Wachs, Martin

Motor fuel taxes at state and federal levels have traditionally been earmarked for transportation investments, supporting road construction, maintenance, and operations, and increasingly public transit. Recently, elected officials have been reluctant to raise fuel taxes despite increases in the cost of transportation programs. Other forms of support, especially borrowing and local sales taxes are playing larger roles in transportation finance. Raising fuel taxes would be more effective, efficient and equitable than the alternatives that are increasingly more popular.

Integrating Traffic Network Analysis and Communication Network Analysis at a Regional Scale to Support More Efficient Evacuation in Response to a Wildfire Event

Soga, Kenichi
Comfort, Louise
Zhao, Bingyu
Lorusso, Paola
Soysal, Sena

As demonstrated by the Camp Fire evacuation, communications (city-to-city, city-to-residents) play important roles in coordinating traffic operations and safeguarding region-wide evacuation processes in wildfire events. This collaborative report across multiple domains (fire, communication and traffic), documents a series of simulations and findings of the wildfire evacuation process for resource-strapped towns in Northern California. It consists of: (1) meteorological and vegetation-status dependent fire spread simulation (cellular automata model); (2) agency-level and agency-to-residents...

A Network Model of Departure Time Choice with Spillovers and Merging Effects. Part I: Building Block

Lago, Alejandro
Daganzo, Carlos F.

This paper presents a departure-time user equilibrium model that explicitly considers the most important determinants of congestion behavior in cities during the morning commute: different commuter origins, merge interactions and queue spillovers. The proposed model combines three previous works: the departure-time equilibrium theory in Vickrey (1969), the traffic flow model of Newell (1993) and the merge theory in Daganzo (1996). The paper examines the simplest possible network exhibiting the three important features and discusses the ensuing policy implications. The solution algorithm...

Vehicle Manufacturing Futures in Transportation Life-cycle Assessment

Chester, Mikhail
Horvath, Arpad

Vehicle manufacturing effects are critical life-cycle components in the total costs of vehicle travel and future manufacturing processes should be evaluated for travel forecasts. With efforts to introduce lightweight materials, increased fuel economy, and new technologies such as electric vehicles, understanding the energy and environmental effects of these expected vehicles is critical. Current vehicle manufacturing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are summarized from existing research for passenger (conventional gasoline vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, aircraft, high-speed...

Vehicle Manufacturing Futures in Transportation Life-cycle Assessment

Chester, Mikhail
Horvath, Arpad

Vehicle manufacturing effects are critical life-cycle components in the total costs of vehicle travel and future manufacturing processes should be evaluated for travel forecasts. With efforts to introduce lightweight materials, increased fuel economy, and new technologies such as electric vehicles, understanding the energy and environmental effects of these expected vehicles is critical. Current vehicle manufacturing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions are summarized from existing research for passenger (conventional gasoline vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, aircraft, high-speed...

Geometry of Vanishing Points and its Application to External Calibration and Realtime Pose Estimation

Kim, ZuWhan

Vanishing points of an image contain important information for camera calibration. Various calibration techniques have been introduced using the properties of vanishing points to find intrinsic and extrinsic calibration parameters. This paper revisits the vanishing points geometry and suggests a simple extrinsic parameter estimation algorithm which uses a single rectangle. The comparison with the Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab ® shows that the proposed algorithm is highly competitive. The suggested technique is also applied to a realtime pose estimation for an unmanned air vehicle’s...

Moving Bottlenecks: A Numerical Method that Converges in Flows

Daganzo, Carlos F.
Laval, Jorge A.

This paper presents a numerical method to model kinematic wave (KW) traffic streams containing slow vehicles. The slow vehicles are modeled discretely as moving boundaries that can affect the traffic stream. The proposed scheme converges in flows, densities and speeds without oscillations, and therefore can be readily used in situations where one wishes to model the effect of the traffic stream on the bottlenecks too. The approach is more accurate than Godunov's method in situations where the latter can be applied.

Mobile Device Data Analytics for Next-Generation Traffic Management

Macfarlane, Jane, PhD
Patire, Anthony, PhD
Deodhar, Kanaad
Laurence, Colin

Quality data is critically important for research and policy-making. The availability of device location data carrying rich, detailed information on travel patterns has increased significantly in recent years with the proliferation of personal GPSenabled mobile devices and fleet transponders. However, in its raw form, location data can be inaccurate and contain embedded biases that can skew analyses. This report describes the development of a method to process, clean, and enrich location data. Researchers developed a computational framework for processing large scale location datasets....