ITS Berkeley

Welfare Analysis of Informal Transit Services in Brazil and the Effects of Regulation

Golub, Aaron David

In Brazil, the recent explosion of informal transport activity is having profound effects on formal, regulated transport systems and is the source of great controversy in the urban passenger transportation arena. A variety of policies are being proposed to manage what has been an uncontrolled growth of the sector. This study seeks to understand the advantages these systems have for users who choose them, and how proposed policies will impact these benefits. A corridor in Rio de Janeiro with substantial informal activity was used as a case study and field trips were made to gather basic...

An Analysis of Port Selection

Malchow, Matthew Brian

The objective of this research is to study the competition among ports. In particular we study the relation between port characteristics and port market share of maritime traffic. Maritime carriers make two primary decisions that affect ports. In the long-term, they assign vessels to routes. In the short-term, they assign each shipment to a vessel and, with that vessel, a port. In this research, we assume that vessel schedules are fixed and model the assignment of shipments as a function of the attributes that describe each port. For a carrier, some assignments are simpler than other...

Increasing Freeway Merge Capacity Through On-Ramp Metering

Rudjanakanoknad, Jittichai

This research describes field studies of how on-ramp metering can increase the capacity of freeway merges. Some effects of on-ramp metering have been known for a long time. We have known that on-ramp metering can 1) increase freeway flow and speed upstream of a merge; and 2) reduce system-wide delay by alleviating gridlock-causing queues that have blocked off-ramps. However, past studies have not conclusively shown that on-ramp metering can increase the maximum outflow (capacity) of freeway merges. The experiments conducted in the present study verify that on-ramp metering can increase...

Dynamic Stochastic Optimization Models for Air Traffic Flow Management

Mukherjee, Avijit

This dissertation presents dynamic stochastic optimization models for Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) that enables decisions to adapt to new information on evolving capacities of National Airspace System (NAS) resources. Uncertainty is represented by a set of capacity scenarios, each depicting a particular time-varying capacity profile of NAS resources. We use the concept of a scenario tree in which multiple scenarios are possible initially. Scenarios are eliminated as possibilities in a succession of branching points, until the specific scenario that will be realized on a particular...

Optimal Infrastructure System Maintenance and Repair Policies with Random Deterioration Model Parameters

Park, Sejung

Accurate facility deterioration models are important inputs for the selection of Infrastructure Maintenance, Repair, and Reconstruction (MR & R) policies. Deterioration models are developed based on expert judgment or empirical observations. These resources, however, might not be sufficient to accurately represent the performance of infrastructure facilities. Incorrect deterioration models may lead to wrong predictions of infrastructure performance and selection of inappropriate MR & R policies. This results in higher lifecycle costs. Existing infrastructure MR & R...

Urban Mass Transit Planning

Homburger, Wolfgang S.
Carroll, J. Douglas, Jr.
Einsweiler, Robert C.
Fertal, Martin J.
Herring, Frank W.
Hyde, Donald C.
Kleiber, Michael C.
Lash, Michael
Pignataro, Louis J.
Sevin, Ali F.

In the fall of 1966 a short course on ’’Urban Mass Transit Planning” was developed by the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn with the assistance of the New York State Science and Technology Foundation and the cooperation of the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads. The course was presented both by the Polytechnic Institute in Brooklyn and by the Institute of Transportation and Traffic Engineering, University of California, and University of California Extension, in Asilomar, Calif.A set of course notes was written for that offering and reproduced in limited quantity. Presented herein is an expansion...

Public Transportation Systems: Mini-Projects and Homework Exercises

Gonzales, Eric J.
Pilachowski, Josh
Gayah, Vikash V.
Cassidy, Michael
Daganzo, Carlos F.

The Course Notes for a graduate-level course in Public Transportation include seven homework exercises and three mini-projects. Homework topics include optimization, point-to-point travel, congestion relief, designing a feeder bus system, demand-responsive transit, and bus pairings. The mini-projects involve bus rapid transit, designing a transit network, and bus and driver assignment.

Public Transportation Systems:Basic Principles of System Design,Operations Planning and Real-TimeControl

Daganzo, Carlos F.

This document is based on a set of lecture notes prepared in 2007-2010 for a University of California, Berkeley graduate course, Public Transportation Systems, a course targeted to first year graduate students with diverse academic backgrounds. Systems are examined in order of increased complexity so that generic insights evident in simple systems can be put to use as knowledge building blocks for the study of more complex systems. The document is organized in eight modules: five on planning (general, shuttle systems, corridors, two dimensional systems, and unconventional transit); two on...

Problem Sets: Fundamentals Of Transportation And Traffic Operations

Daganzo, Carlos F.

These problem sets comprise a supplement to Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations (C. Daganzo, Pergamon, 1997). Academicians can also obtain a companion set of solutions by writing to "Institute of Transportation Studies, Publications Office, 109 McLaughlin Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720" or by sending e-mail to

Micromobility evolution and expansion: Understanding how docked and dockless bikesharing models complement and compete – A case study of San Francisco

Lazarus, Jessica
Pourquier, Jean Carpentier
Feng, Frank
Hammel, Henry
Shaheen, Susan

Shared micromobility – the shared use of bicycles, scooters, or other low-speed modes – is an innovative transportation strategy growing across the United States that includes various service models such as docked, dockless, and e-bike service models. This research focuses on understanding how docked bikesharing and dockless e-bikesharing models complement and compete with respect to user travel behaviors. To inform our analysis, we used two datasets from February 2018 of Ford GoBike (docked) and JUMP (dockless electric) bikesharing trips in San Francisco. We employed three methodological...