ITS Berkeley

Marked Crosswalks, Station Area Built Environments, and Transit Ridership: Associations Between Changes in 877 US TOD Stations, 2010–2018

Li, M
Rodriguez, D
Transit ridership across the US has experienced a decline over the past decade. Researchers, policy-makers and advocates have suggested that transportation and land use policies be modified to encourage transit-friendly environments. Despite the importance of studying the relationship between built environment and transit use, previous research on this topic exhibits several limitations in terms of scope, resolution and robustness of research design, due to availability of built environment and ridership data. Using a historical marked crosswalk dataset generated from Google Street View along...

Comparing Methods and Data Sources for Classifying Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress: How Well do Their Outcomes Agree?

Harvey, C
Rodriguez, DA
Fang, K

Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) metrics are widely used to examine how bicyclists may perceive stress along urban streets and identify opportunities for infrastructure improvements. The intuitiveness of the original method, which condensed 18 input variables into four levels, has made LTS very popular among practitioners. Nonetheless, it can be challenging to collect all required inputs. In response, numerous alternative methods have been developed with fewer or different inputs drawn from more general sources, such as OpenStreetMap (OSM) or GIS datasets from local agencies. These...

Associations Between Urban Greenspace and Depressive Symptoms in Mexico's Cities Using Different Greenspace Metrics

Bakhtsiyarava, M
Ju, Y
Moran, M
Rodriguez, DA
Dronova, I
Delclòs-Alió, X
Moore, K
Castillo-Riquelme, M
Anza-Ramirez, C

Greenspace has been shown to be positively associated with mental wellbeing, but studies from the global South have been scarce. We advance the understanding of the relationship between greenspace and depressive symptoms by using multiple clearly defined metrics describing neighborhood greenness and urban parks in an understudied region with rapid urban growth.

Short-term Associations Between Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Cardiovascular and Respiratory Mortality in 337 Cities in Latin America

Gouveia, N
Rodriguez-Hernandez, JL
Kephart, JL
Ortigoza, A
Rodriguez, D
Betancourt , RM
Sangrador, JL
Roux, AV Diez
Sánchez, BN
Yamada, G
Ambient air pollution is a health concern in Latin America given its large urban population exposed to levels above recommended guidelines. Yet no studies have examined the mortality impact of...

Uncovering Physical Activity Trade-offs in Transportation Policy: A Spatial Agent-Based Model of Bogotá, Colombia

Stankov, I
Meisel, JD
Sarmiento, OL
Delclòs-Alió, X
Hidalgo, D
Guzman, L
Rodriguez, D
Hammond, R
Roux, AV Diez

Transportation policies can impact health outcomes while simultaneously promoting social equity and environmental sustainability. We developed an agent-based model (ABM) to simulate the impacts of fare subsidies and congestion taxes on commuter decision-making and travel patterns. We report effects on mode share, travel time and transport-related physical activity (PA), including the variability of effects by socioeconomic strata (SES), and the trade-offs that may need to be considered in the implementation of these policies in a context with high levels of necessity-based physical...

Temperature-Related Mortality in Nine Latin American Countries Under Climate Change and Population Scenarios

Kephart, JL
Bakhtsiyarava, M
Arunachalam, S
Mandavilli, R
Gouveia, N
Dronova, I
Schinasi, L
Bilal, U
Caiaffa, W
Jaffe, A
Rodriguez, D
Roux, AV Diez

Climate change and an aging population are converging challenges rapidly accelerating the risk of extreme temperatures for older adults in Latin America. Older adults are especially vulnerable to health impacts from extreme temperatures and in Latin America the proportion of adults aged 65+ years is expected to double by 2050. However, existing projections of temperature-related mortality in Latin America do not incorporate expected population aging, likely severely underestimating future deaths. We estimated temperature-related deaths from 2045-2054 in all cities in nine Latin...

Projected Changes in Heatwaves Over Central and South America Using High-Resolution Regional Climate Simulations

Ramarao, MVS
Arunachalam, S
Sánchez, BN
Schinasi, LH
Rodriguez, D
Dronova, I
O'Neill, MS
Avila-Palencia, I
Gouveia, N
Ju, Y
Kephart, J

Heatwaves (HWs) pose a severe threat to human and ecological systems. Here we assess the projected changes in heatwaves over Latin America using bias corrected high-resolution regional climate simulations under two Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios (RCPs). Heatwaves are projected to be more frequent, long-lasting, and intense in the mid-century under both RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios, with severe increases under the RCP8.5 scenario. Even under the low emissions scenario of RCP2.6, the frequency of heatwaves doubles over most of the region. A three- to tenfold rise in population...

A Comparison of Heat Effects on Road Injury Frequency Between Active Travelers and Motorized Transportation Users in Six Tropical and Subtropical Cities in Taiwan

Hsu, CK
Rodriguez, DA
Road traffic injuries (RTIs) pose significant public health threats, particularly for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. While recent studies have revealed adverse impacts of heat exposure on RTI frequency among motorized road users, a research gap persists in understanding these impacts on non-motorized road users, especially in tropical regions where their vulnerability can be heightened due to differential thermal exposure, adaptive capacity, and biological sensitivity. In this study, we compared associations between high temperatures and RTIs across four different...

Potential drivers of urban green space availability in Latin American cities

Bakhtsiyarava, M
Moran, M
Ju, Y
Zhou, Y
Rodriguez, DA
Dronova, I
de Pina, M
de Matos, V
Skaba, D

Urban green spaces play a critical role in regulating air temperature, reducing air pollution and enhancing people’s well being. Yet, existing data and research on potential drivers of urban green space availability in Latin America are limited. Here, focusing on 371 large cities in 11 countries in Latin America, we described the total and per capita variability of urban green space, its spatial configuration and green urban parks across the categories of cities’ natural, built and socioeconomic environments. We tested the relative importance of geographic (climate) versus city-level...

Bicycle safety in Bogotá: A seven-year analysis of bicyclists’ collisions and fatalities

Carvajal, G
Sarmiento, OL
Medaglia, A
Cabrales, S
Rodríguez, D
Quintsberg, A
Lopez, S
Road safety research in low- and middle-income countries is limited, even though ninety percent of global road traffic fatalities are concentrated in these locations. In Colombia, road traffic injuries are the second leading source of mortality by external causes and constitute a significant public health concern in the city of Bogotá. Bogotá is among the top 10 most bike-friendly cities in the world. However, bicyclists are one of the most vulnerable road-users in the city. Therefore, assessing the pattern of mortality and understanding the variables affecting the outcome of bicyclists’...