Video-based Vehicle Signature Analysis and Tracking System Phase 2: Algorithm Development and Preliminary Testing

MacCarley, Arthur C.

This report describes the results of the PATH/Caltrans-funded project Video-Base Signature Analysis and Tracking (V2SAT) System, Phase 2 Algorithm Development and Preliminary Testing. The V2SATSystem was conceived in 1995 by Loragen Systems, of San Luis Obispo, California, as a means for non-intrusively tracking individual vehicles on freeways for data collection purposes. The concept involves the use of computer vision methods to make simple optical measurements on digitized real-time images of each vehicle on the freeway. A conventional color video camera serves as the primary sensor....

Incident Management with Advanced Traveller Information Systems

Al-Deek, Haitham
Kanafani, Adib

Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS) can be used to collect and disseminate dynamic information about travel times on highway links. One of the potential uses of these systems is to manage incidents. The objective of this research is to showunder what incident conditions is it relevant to provide real time traffic information to travellers.A model that uses graphical queueing techniques is utilized to define cases when ATIS is beneficial and cases when it is not, and to evaluate its benefits as measured by travel time savings. The model is applied to a simple road network with two...

An Economic Analysis Of Network Deployment And Application To Road Pricing

Levinson, David

This paper develops an economic framework for developing strategies necessary to deploy networks, and applies the framework to the deployment of road pricing. The cost structure of highways are discussed. A graphical method for measuring welfare with road pricing is presented. The relationship of space and financing mechanism is reviewed. A network model of the economy is presented. This is followed by a discussion of network externalities, and how those relate to both the deployment and emergence of technologies. Finally, the deployment of three main elements relating to road pricing: use...

Single-channel IVHS Communication Architecture

Linnartz, Jean-paul M. G.

This report documents a single-channel architecture offering two-way communication between vehicles and a fixed communication infrastructure. Part I discusses the technical advantages and disadvantages of a dedicated Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) communications infrastructure versus the use of a hybrid system involving several existing communication networks. Aspects such as spectrum efficiency, message capacity, and network performance are described. Part II proposes a network architecture that offers several transmission services essential to IVHS communications, using only...

Traffic Management Systems Performance Measurement: Working Paper #2

Banks, James H.
Kelly, Gregory

Traffic Data System Improvement Plans were prepared for Caltrans Districts 1 1 (San Diego) and 12 (Orange County) as part of a research project on performance measurement for traffic management systems. The plans document data system objectives, data requirements, and existing data collection and management systems; evaluate the adequacy of existing systems; identify improvements and resource requirements; and document the districts’ priorities for action. Both districts have similar data systems, although Orange County’s is better developed. Both systems rely heavily on single-loop...

A Probabilistic Model And A Software Tool For AVCS Longitudinal Collision/safety Analysis

Tsao, H. S. Jacob
Hall, Randolph W.

This paper develops a probabilistic model and a software tool for analyzing longitudinal collision/safety between two automated vehicles. The input parameters are the length of the gap between the two vehicles, the common speed prior to failure, the reaction delay of the following vehicle and a bivariate joint distribution of the deceleration rates of the two vehicles. The output includes the probability of a collision and also the probability distribution of the relative speed at collision time. The model is used to compare the safety consequences associated with the platooning and "free-...

TravInfo Evaluation (Technology Element) Traveler Information Center (TIC) Study: Operator Response Time Analysis

Miller, Mark A.
Loukakos, Dimitri

TravInfo (TM) is an advanced traveler information system for the San Francisco Bay Area that began operation in September 1996 under a public/private partnership. The public sector component centers on the Traveler Information Center (TIC), TravInfo (TM)'s information gathering, processing, and dissemination hub. For two years, until September 1998, TravInfo (TM) was a Field Operational Test (FOT) sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration. During the FOT, the TIC was evaluated. This report documents the analysis of operator response time. Response times remained stable throughout the...

Dynamic Traffic Assignment For Automated Highway Systems: A Two-lane Highway With Speed Constancy

Tsao, H. S. Jacob

Dynamic traffic assignment through analytical modeling and optimization has been widely accepted by the IVHS R&D community as a promising traffic control tool for understanding and relieving traffic congestion on conventional highways and city streets. Due to the completely controlled nature of AHS traffic, dynamic assignment of AHS traffic is even more promising. One added dimension of complexity associated with AHS dynamic traffic assignment is lane assignment. Lane changes, for fully utilizing AHS capacity or for exiting, incur disturbances to and hence reduction of longitudinal...

Highway Electrification: An Exploration of Energy Supply Implications

Wang, Quanlu
Sperling, Daniel

The objective of this preliminary report is to explore the energy supply opportunities and implications of electrifying highways. An important assumption in this report is that the technology and general cost structure for generating and storing electricity does not change significantly in the future. In other words, we ignore the possible use of super conductive materials to store electricity during off-peak times, which, if feasible, would greatly reduce average electricity costs. A future report will examine the opportunities and implications of breakthroughs in superconductivity.The...

Experimental Characterization of Multi-Lane Freeway Traffic Upstream of an Off-Ramp Bottleneck

Munoz, Juan Carlos
Daganzo, Carlos

This report describes field observations of multi-lane freeway traffic upstream of an oversaturated off-ramp. It is based on empirical evidence from freeway I-880 (northbound) near Oakland, California. The report presents two diagnostic tools that reveal hidden features of the traffic stream and, based on these findings, proposes congestion mitigation strategies that could work for similar locations with little or no construction.