Travinfo Field Operational Test Evaluation Plan

Hall, Randolph
Yim, Y. B.
Khattak, Asad
Miller, Mark
Weissenberger, Stein

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test (FOT) sponsored by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. The goal of the project is to implement a centralized traveler information center to collect, integrate, and broadly disseminate timely and accurate traveler information in the San Francisco Bay Area. This evaluation plan describes the scope, methods, and procedures to measure the effectiveness of the project. The TravInfo evaluation will contain four evaluation elements: institutional, technology, traveler response, and network performance.

Spectrum Needs For IVHS

Linnartz, Jean-paul M. G.
Walrand, Jean

This report summarizes the need for (dedicated) radio spectrum for IVHS communication services. It concludes that, if efficient architectures can be developed, several MHz of spectrum will be needed for large-scale introduction of IVHS services. Compared to most other reported estimates of the spectrum requirements, this report gives a more detailed discussion of the relation between message volume (bit/sec), the required grade of service and spectral bandwidth (Hz).

Freeway Detector Data Analysis For Simulation Of The Santa Monica Freeway - Summary Report

Bloomberg, Loren D.
May, Adolf D.

The objective of this study is to collect, organize, analyze, and summarize available detector data for the Santa Monica Freeway. The primary goal is to develop on/off ramp counts as input to a synthetic origin/destination model; mainline freeways counts are also needed. Strategies for synthesizing data from stations where current detector data are unavailable are also considered. This report is a revised version of UCB-ITS-PWP-93-1 (PATH Database record #4079)

Some Aspects of the Market for Broadcast Traffic Information

Malchow, Matthew
Kanafani, Adib

In recent years, planners have looked toward traffic information systems as an immediate solution to the congestion on U.S. highways. ITS systems are low-cost relative to many alternatives, and simple implementation allows for quick results. Alongside these investments has been research investigating the use of information systems by drivers and the results to be expected. Many studies have shown that the primary source of information for drivers has been broadcast systems such as the radio (e.g. Yim et al., 1997). Additional research has addressed other media which are used to transmit...

Notes From a Talk on Standards and IVHS Safety

Hitchcock, Anthony

This paper records a personal understanding of some features of the needs for standards and codes of practice in IVHS, and of the present position regarding them, in so far as the author has:a. perceived them to be relevant to his own studies in the AVCS field in the U.S., mainly in relation to full automation.b. been able to obtain access to the appropriate documents; he does not have easy access to a library containing defense standards.

Studies of Vehicle Collisions - A Documentation of the Simulation Codes: SMAC (Simulation Model of Automobile Collisions) [ Diskette Included ]

Chan, Ching-Yao

This document describes part of the work conducted under MOU252 and MOU324, related to the studies of vehicle collisions in vehicle-following operations. This working paper is a detailed documentation of a computer program that is the core element of the simulation tools for vehicle collision dynamics. The program, SMAC (Simulation Model of Automobile Collisions), and its PC-platform version EDSMAC have been used extensively in recent work at PATH to investigate the consequences of vehicle collisions and the effects of vehicle-following parameters on collisions. A copy of the source codes...

Advanced Simulation Tools for Freeway Corridor Management

Gardes, Yonnel;
Tang, Eric
Ma, Jingtao
May, Adolf D.

As part of the California PATH program, the Paramics microscopic traffic simulation model was applied to the I-580 freeway-arterial corridor. The main purposes of the project were two-fold:- Develop the expertise and transfer the knowledge required in calibrating a large-scale freeway corridor with Paramics;- Prepare a calibrated model for the I-580 corridor that could be used to address operational questions, evaluate potential improvement alternatives and provide input to the decision-making process.In agreement with Caltrans District 4 and Headquarters, the study focused on the...

Traveler Response to Innovative Personalized Demand-Responsive Transit in the San Francisco Bay Area

Khattak, Asad J.
Yim, Youngbin

Urban sprawl makes conventional transit less competitive and points to the need for more innovative and flexible demand-responsive transit systems in the future. To increase their efficiency, such systems can take advantage of the emerging advanced public transportation systems technologies, e.g., vehicle location and information systems. However, little is known about how consumers might respond to such systems and what they desire. This paper explores the demand for a consumer-oriented Personalized Demand Responsive Transit (PDRT) service in the San Francisco Bay Area. Such a system...

Video-Based Vehicle Signature Analysis and Tracking Phase 1: Verification of Concept Preliminary Testing

MacCarley, Arthur C.

This report describes the results of the PATH/Caltrans-funded project Video-Base Signature Analysis and Tracking (VSAT) System, Phase 1: Verification of Concept and Preliminary Testing. The VSAT System was conceived in 1995 by Loragen Systems, of Glendale, California, as a means for non-intrusively tracking individual vehicles on freeways for data collection purposes. The concept involves the use of a computer vision methods to make simple measurements of external dimensions, points of optical demarcation, and predominant colors of each vehicle. A conventional color video camera serves as...

Estimation of Truck Traffic Volume from Single Loop Detectors Using Lane-to-Lane Speed Correlation

Kwon, Jaimyoung
Varaiya, Pravin
Skabardonis, Alexander

An algorithm for real time estimation of truck traffic in multi-lane freeway is proposed. The algorithm uses data from single loop detectors-the most widely installed surveillance technology for urban freeways in the US. The algorithm works for those freeway locations that have a truck-free lane, and exhibit high lane-to-lane speed correlation. These conditions are met by most urban freeway locations. The algorithm produces real time estimates of the truck traffic volumes at the location. It can also be used to produce alternative estimate of the mean effective vehicle length, which can...