Supply Side Evaluation of Radio Traffic Information

Yim, Youngbin
Pfeifle, Brian
Hellman, Paul

The study investigated data collection and dissemination processes of radio traffic information in the San Francisco Bay Area. Program directors from thirty two radio stations were interviewed to understand the processes and radio traffic reports were analyzed to evaluate the contents. The study showed that morning traffic conditions were broadcast most frequently. During morning peak hours from 6AM-9AM, the majority of the stations broadcast traffic conditions every 15 minutes. The content of the radio information is limited to traffic flow, incident conditions and transit schedule. The...

Configuration And Maneuvers In Safety-consciously Designed Ahs Configuration

Hitchcock, Anthony

This paper sets out a configuration for an Automated Highway System (AHS) which is believed to have advantages from a safety viewpoint. The configuration and operating principles are described. The scheme requires that vehicles change lanes directly from platoon to platoon, and that entry and exit be made also without platoons merging or splitting on the automated lanes. The protocols for the maneuvers needed are described in detail.

Travinfo Evalution (technology Element) Traveler Information Center (tic) Study (september 1996 - June 1997)

Miller, Mark A.
Loukakos, Dimitri

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test of advanced traveler information systems for the San Francisco Bay Area, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project involves a public/private partnership which seeks to compile, integrate and broadly disseminate timely and accurate multi-modal traveler information through commercial products and services. The public sector component centers on the Traveler Information Center (TIC), which collects and integrates both static and dynamic traveler information. The TIC began operations in September 1996 and will operate as an FOT...

Travinfo Evaluation: Institutional Element Phase 1 Results

Hall, Randolph
Yim, Y. B.
Pfeifle, Brian
Weissenberger, Stein

The TravInfo project aims to develop a multi-modal traveler information system for the San Francisco Bay Area, developing a partnership between the public and private sectors. This report presents the results of the first wave of institutional interviews, as part of the TravInfo evaluation.

TravInfo Field Operational Test Evaluation: Information Service Providers Customer Survey

Yim, Youngbin

This paper presents the findings of the customer study of Information Service Providers. TheInformation Service Provider customer study is part of the traveler response evaluation for theTravInfo Field Operational Test. Presently, three private partners of the TravInfo project deploytraffic Web sites using exclusively the TravInfo database. A survey of Web site users wasconducted over seven months from August 1998 – March 1999. A survey instrument wasincorporated into the Web site. The study addressed the usage of Web site information and thetravel behavior of Web site users. The key...

Effects of Traffic Density on Communication Requirements for Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems (CICAS)

Shladover, Steven E.

Intersection collisions are difficult to mitigate or eliminate by use of ITS technologies for a variety of reasons. These include the complexity of the driving environment and of the driver decision making process at intersections, but also the difficulty of accurately detecting the movements of all potentially conflicting vehicles. Prior research by Calspan-Veridian Engineering (now part of General Dynamics) (1) showed the near impossibility of detecting the relevant information using vehicle-mounted sensor systems. Current research under the IDS program is revealing the challenges...

Spectrum Needs For IVHS

Linnartz, Jean-paul M. G.
Walrand, Jean

This report summarizes the need for (dedicated) radio spectrum for IVHS communication services. It concludes that, if efficient architectures can be developed, several MHz of spectrum will be needed for large-scale introduction of IVHS services. Compared to most other reported estimates of the spectrum requirements, this report gives a more detailed discussion of the relation between message volume (bit/sec), the required grade of service and spectral bandwidth (Hz).

Travinfo Field Operational Test Evaluation Plan

Hall, Randolph
Yim, Y. B.
Khattak, Asad
Miller, Mark
Weissenberger, Stein

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test (FOT) sponsored by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. The goal of the project is to implement a centralized traveler information center to collect, integrate, and broadly disseminate timely and accurate traveler information in the San Francisco Bay Area. This evaluation plan describes the scope, methods, and procedures to measure the effectiveness of the project. The TravInfo evaluation will contain four evaluation elements: institutional, technology, traveler response, and network performance.

Freeway Detector Data Analysis For Simulation Of The Santa Monica Freeway - Summary Report

Bloomberg, Loren D.
May, Adolf D.

The objective of this study is to collect, organize, analyze, and summarize available detector data for the Santa Monica Freeway. The primary goal is to develop on/off ramp counts as input to a synthetic origin/destination model; mainline freeways counts are also needed. Strategies for synthesizing data from stations where current detector data are unavailable are also considered. This report is a revised version of UCB-ITS-PWP-93-1 (PATH Database record #4079)

Some Aspects of the Market for Broadcast Traffic Information

Malchow, Matthew
Kanafani, Adib

In recent years, planners have looked toward traffic information systems as an immediate solution to the congestion on U.S. highways. ITS systems are low-cost relative to many alternatives, and simple implementation allows for quick results. Alongside these investments has been research investigating the use of information systems by drivers and the results to be expected. Many studies have shown that the primary source of information for drivers has been broadcast systems such as the radio (e.g. Yim et al., 1997). Additional research has addressed other media which are used to transmit...