Study of Freeway Traffic Near an Off-Ramp

Cassidy, Michael J.
Anani, Shadi B.
Haigwood, John M.

A bottleneck with a diminished capacity is shown to have arisen on a freeway segment whenever queues from the segment's off-ramped spilled over and occupied its mandatory exit lane. It is also shown that longer exit queues from the over-saturate off-ramp were accompanied by lower discharge rates for non-exiting vehicles. The explanation appears to be rubber-necking on the part of the non-exiting drivers. Whenever the of-ramp queues were prevented from spilling over to the exit lane (by changing the logic of a nearby traffic signal), much higher flows were sustained on the freeway segment...

Optimized Lane Assignment on an Automated Highway

Hall, Randolph
Lotspeich, David

Highway automation entails the application of control, sensing and communication technologies to road vehicles, with the objective of improving highway performance. It has been envisioned that automation could increase highway capacity by a factor of three. To attain this capacity, it will be important to minimize the amount of lane-changing and optimally assign vehicles to lanes. This paper develops and applies a linear programming based lane assignment model. The highway system is modeled as a multi-commodity network, where the commodities represent trip destinations (i.e., exit ramps on...

Identification And Prioritization Of Environmentally Beneficial Intelligent Transportation Technologies

Shaheen, S.
Young, T.
Sperling, D.
Jordan, D.
Horan, T.

This report presents an literature review on the energy and environmental impacts of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technologies, a presentation of the development of deployment/modeling scenarios, and a description of the modeling effort. It looks at the current polity context and regulatory arena in which ITS technologies will be deployed. It also provides scenarios and market penetration estimates developed to form the basis of modeling efforts with the INTEGRATION model.

Simulation Modeling Of The Santa Monica Freeway

Bloomberg, Loren D.
May, Adolf D.

As part of a project investigating the benefits of Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) technology using simulation, two models of the Santa Monica Freeway in Los Angeles were developed. This report describes the work performed to create, test, and apply these simulations. Two independent simulations were coded, using FREQ and INTEGRATION models, from the available data. The report describes the strategies, limitations, and assumptions needed to code the Santa Monica Freeway using the two simulation tools. After coding the models, calibrating the output to match traffic performance...

A Research Plan for Highway Vehicle Navigation Technology

Gosling, Geoffrey D.

This working paper describes a proposed research plan to explore the application of advanced technology to highway vehicle navigation. The proposed research addresses navigation, communication, and control technology, benefits of improved vehicle navigation, system requirements, and design and implementation issues. The paper introduces the issues involvedin highway vehicle navigation and communication, and discusses recentdevelopments in vehicle navigation technology.The importance of a vigorous program of research in this area is identified, and six near term and ten follow-on projects...

Models Of Commuters' Information Use And Route Choice: Initial Results Based On A Southern California Commuter Route Choice Survey

Abdel-aty, Mohamed A.
Vaughn, Kenneth M.
Kitamura, Ryuichi
Jovanis, Paul P.
Mannering, Fred L.

This paper presents a statistical analysis of commuters' route choice behavior and the influence of traffic information. The analysis is based on a 1992 computer-aided telephone interview survey of Los Angeles area morning commuters. The results underscore the important relationship between the use of traffic information and the propensity to change routes. In addition, important relationships are uncovered relating the influence that commuters' socioeconomic characteristics and the level of traffic congestion they face have on traffic information use and route- change frequency. The...

Intermodal Transportation Operation System ( ITOS ) For The State Of California

Hall, Randolph
Parekh, Chethan
Thakker, Viral

Intermodal transportation entails the coordinated movement of different types of transportation (rail, truck, automobile, etc.) to serve the needs of travelers and shippers. The purpose of this report is to provide a vision for systems to coordinate intermodal operations in California in the future, and also to document the types of systems that are being used today in a range of transportation modes. An intermodal system could, conceivably, establish a center (or centers) that is responsible for the joint operation of multiple modes of transportation. This is not our preferred vision....

Dynamic Modeling Of Tractor-semitrailer Vehicles In Automated Highway Systems

Chen, Chieh
Tomizuka, Masayoshi

This report is concerned with the dynamic modeling of the tractor- semitrailer vehicles in Automated Highway Systems (AHS). The objectives of the research are to characterize the dynamic response of articulated heavy-duty vehicles, identify the key system parameters, develop control algorithms to achieve automatic guidance, and conduct experiments on lateral guidance control of articulated heavy-duty vehicles. A modeling approach for roll, pitch and yaw motions of tractor-semitrailer vehicles is described.

Investigation of Traveler Information and Related Travel Behavior in the San Francisco Bay Area

Khattak, Asad J.
Targa, Felipe
Yim, Youngbin

Advanced Traveler Information Systems are becoming an integral part of urban transportation systems. This paper discusses issues related to how people access, acquire and use travel information. The perceived benefits and willingness to pay for dynamic information are discussed. Empirical evidence from a major field operational test is examined to answer questions about why, how and who uses travel information. Empirical evidence suggests that information helps travelers to switch routes and departure time. The potential for information benefits is perhaps higher in cases of unexpected...

Trav Info Evaluation ( Technology Element ) Traveler Information Center ( TIC ) Study: Operator Interface Analysis - Phase III

Miller, Mark
Loukakos, Dimitri

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test of advanced traveler information systems for the San Francisco Bay Area, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project involves a public/private partnership which seeks to compile, integrate and broadly disseminate timely and accurate multi-modal traveler information through commercial products and services. The public sector component centers on the Traveler Information Center (TIC), which collects and integrates both static and dynamic traveler information. The TIC began operations in September 1996 and will operate as an FOT...