Preliminary Findings for a Lane-Keeping and Collision-Warning Driver Interface for Snowplow Operations

Steinfeld, Aaron
Tan, Han-Shue

This paper describes the development process and some preliminary findings for the human-machine interface (HMI) component of a system to aid snowplow operators. The HMI was developed though a series of driver task explorations and prototype tests. The HMI design has resulted in positive driver feedback and quick learning periods. Keywords Driver assist system Snowplow Lane keeping interface Collision warning interface Human factors - snowplow

Using Technology to Improve Transportation Services

Garrison, William L.

Today's transportation systems are well deployed in the developed nations, and they and their supporting activities are technologically and institutionally mature. This situation is exceptional in the perspective of the last 200 years of transportation development, during which new systems were innovated and wave after wave of construction undertaken.An examination of the ways technologies were shaped and adopted in the past reveals that today's view of technology-based opportunities is also exceptional. Consistent with system maturity, the search for improvements is focused on marginal...

Transit ITS Simulator (TRANSITS): Design Document

Dessouky, Maged
Singh, Ajay
Hall, Randolph

This report describes a simulation model developed to evaluate the impact of using Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for bus tracking, on controlling buses in wide-area transit networks. Control strategies with ITS will be compared against those without ITS (i.e., they do not rely on communication or tracking). The model is developed using a general-purpose simulation language, AweSim (Pritsker, 1997). The simulation model is generic and independent of any dedicated transit network. The model has high flexibility and can be used to simulate...

An Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model with Probabilistic Travel Times and Travelers' Perceptions

Liu, Henry X.
Ban, Xuegang
Ran, Bin
Mirchandani, Pitu

Dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) has been a topic of substantial research during the past decade. While DTA is gradually maturing, many aspects of DTA still need improvements, especially regarding its formulation and solution capabilities under the transportation environment impacted by the Advanced Transportation Management and Information Systems (ATMIS). It is necessary to develop a set of DTA models to acknowledge the fact that the traffic network itself is probabilistic and uncertain, and different classes of travelers respond differently under uncertain environment, given different...

Robust Multiple Car Tracking With Occlusion Reasoning

Koler, Dieter
Weber, Joseph
Malik, Jitendra

In this paper, the authors address the problem of traffic surveillance in an Advanced Transportation Management System. They propose a new approach for detecting and tracking vehicles in road traffic scenes that attains a level of accuracy and reliability which lies beyond currently available systems. High accuracy and reliability are obtained by using an explicit occlusion reasoning step, employing a contour tracker based on intensity and motion boundaries.

Analysis Of Arterial Street Data From The ATSAC System

Bacon, Jr., Vinton W.
May, Adolf D.

This study is part of an effort to simulate the Santa Monica Freeway Corridor in Los Angeles using the INTEGRATION model. The purpose of this report was to develop an efficient process of data extraction to be used for future use and to test the integrity of the data itself.

Validation of the Incremental Transfer Model

Robert, Tim
Lin, Wei-Hua
Cassidy, Michael

This report documents our validation effort on the Incremental Transfer (IT) model, which is a macroscopic traffic flow model capable of handling freeway systems with special lanes and priority vehicles. The validation study is performed with field data from a 1.7-mile long freeway segment with a congested off-ramp in Oakland, California. In our study, vehicles exiting the off- ramp of this segment are treated as "regular vehicles" and through vehicles as "special vehicles." By assuming that the exiting or "regular" vehicles must stay on the "near" side lanes, we examine the spatial...

Personalized Demand Responsive Transit Systems

Yim, Y. B.
Khattak, Asad J.

An aging population in the US, low-density urban sprawl and the accessibility needs of certain groups (particularly disabled and aged) increasingly point to more flexible demand-responsive transit systems in the future. This paper describes the important aspects of a consumer-oriented Personalized Demand Responsive Transit (PDRT) service. The system will provide services to the traveling public for journeys to work and for journeys to other destinations. A PDRT that responds to the travelers' needs and takes advantage of the emerging advanced public transportation technologies to increase...

Incident Management: Process Analysis And Improvement Phase 1: Review Of Procedures

Hall, Randolph
Mehta, Yatrik

This working paper examines the process for managing incidents on highways, as it is applied in Los Angeles County. The examination is based on interviews with various agencies, including law enforcement, state highway department, coroners office, and LA County MTA Freeway Service Patrol, along with direct observation through ride-alongs. Follow-up work will quantify the benefits of improved incident management, through analysis of freeway performance and response characteristics during incidents.

Travinfo Evaluation (technology Element) Traveler Information Center (tic) Study: Operator Interface Component-phase Iv: Institutional Analysis

Miller, Mark
Loukakos, Dimitri

TravInfo is a Field Operational Test of advanced traveler information systems for the San Francisco Bay Area, sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The project involves a public/private partnership which seeks to compile, integrate and broadly disseminate timely and accurate multi-modal traveler information through commercial products and services. The public sector component centers on the Traveler Information Center (TIC), which collects and integrates both static and dynamic traveler information. The TIC began operations in September 1996 and operates as an FOT through...